フォートナイトの章 2 灯台

フォートナイトの章 2 ロッキーズ灯台に着陸, アプレス スキーとマウント ケイの地図の場所

With the start of Fortnite Chapter 2 季節 2, Epic Games has prepared a lot of activities for players to complete. For the first week, one of the challenges is requiring players to land at Lockie’s Lighthouse, Apres Ski, and Mount Kay. If you’re one of the fans who are still unfamiliar with the new map, then this Fortnite guide is for you. Read on to learn where you can find these locations to complete the challenge.

Land at Lockie’s Lighthouse Location

フォートナイトの章 2 季節 2
Lockie’s Lighthouse

The first location that we will be visiting is Lockie’s Lighthouse in the northern part of Pleasant Park. The lighthouse has a coordinate of C1. このミッションを完了するには, jump from the bus and directly land on the lighthouse.

Land at Apres Ski Location

フォートナイトの章 2 季節 2
Apres Ski

The second location that we need to visit is the Apres Ski located in the southwest of Misty Meadows. It’s coordinate is E8 near the white snowy mountain. Just visit the building there to progress the mission.

Land at Mount Kay Location

フォートナイトの章 2 季節 2
Mount Kay

Last but not least is landing at Mount Kay. If you’re unfamiliar with the map, Mount Kay can be found east of Misty Meadow, southeast of Lazy Lake, and south of Retail Row. It is one of the highest mountains with snow on the map right now. Just reach the peak of the mountain where you see the yellow flag to complete the challenge.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.