
エピックがフォートナイトの章を公開 2 季節 3 週 10 課題

フォートナイトの章 2 季節 3 is almost over now that the 10th week of the season is here. いつものように, Epic Games has prepared a lot of new challenges for players to complete before the end of the third season of Fortnite Chapter 2. The new challenges will be available starting on August 20, 2020.

In this Fortnite guide, we will be showing you all the new missions and challenges. 現時点で, we only have the list of challenges that have been leaked by Fortnite data-miners. Once Week 10 officially goes live, we will be updating this post to give you the detailed guide of each challenge.

フォートナイトの章 2 季節 3 週 10 課題


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.