
ゲームデック – FOVを変更および調整する方法

もし、あんたが’re one of the players looking for the Field of View (視野) slider in Gamedec, you will be disappointed to know that there are no in-game settings for that. 幸運, そこの’s an alternative method that you can use to adjust or change the FOV in Gamedec. Check out the guide below.

How to Change FOV in Gamedec

To adjust the field of view (視野) in Gamedec, you need to locate and edit the configuration file of the game. But where can you find the configuration file?

  1. Go to the configuration file location. デフォルトでは, ここで見つけることができます:
  2. という名前のファイルを見つけます Engine.ini 任意のテキストエディタを使用して開きます.
  3. At the end of the file, add the following line of codes:
  4. Save changes and close the file.

After saving the file, simply launch the game as per usual. You will notice that the game is now forced to maintain its vertical field of view (視野) at any aspect ratio.


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