グランドツーリング 7 アップデート 1.27 12月到着予定 15 新しい車と場所で

グランツーリスモ 7 1.27 アップデートは12月にリリースされる予定です 15, 公式発表によると. アップデートには、プレイヤーが試せる5台の新しい車が含まれます, フェラーリ ビジョン グランツーリスモを含む. アップデートにはBugatti Chironも含まれます, シボレー コルベット スティングレイ, アルファ ロメオ ジュリア GTAm. 加えて, the Toyota Celica ST205 GT-Four rally car will be making a return to the game. The update will also include a new set of 40 Scapes locations based in Norway.

Players will be able to download and install the update during the server maintenance scheduled for 0600-0800 UTC on December 15. でも, the update will not be accessible until the maintenance ends. The official announcement did not mention any additional new circuits or circuit layouts that may be included in the update.

The Ferrari Vision Gran Turismo, which was unveiled at the Gran Turismo World Final in Monaco last month, will only be available to players who correctly answered the fourth and finalViewer’s Gift Campaignquestion in the week following the Nations Cup final. These players will receive the car for free, while everyone else will have to wait until it becomes available to purchase in the Brand Central on December 23, which marks Gran Turismo’s 25th anniversary.

The VGT features design elements from several older Ferrari models, such as the 330 P4 and Modulo concept car. It is powered by an electrically assisted 1,350hp version of Ferrari’s newest V6 engine, which is also used in the 296 GTB and 499P race car.

全体, the upcoming Gran Turismo 7 1.27 update is sure to excite fans of the game with the addition of five new cars, including the highly anticipated Ferrari Vision Gran Turismo. The update is set to be released on December 15, and will be available for download and installation during the scheduled server maintenance. In addition to the new cars, the update will also include a new set of Scapes locations in Norway. Players who correctly answered the fourth and finalViewer’s Gift Campaignquestion will have early access to the Ferrari Vision Gran Turismo, while everyone else will have to wait until it becomes available for purchase on December 23.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.