完了方法 “砂上の楼閣” 異端者のフォークのタスク

This was my very last task and I could not find anything online about it so to prevent others from having the same issue this guide now exists.

This strategy should theoretically work on everyone but it works best using You or any variation of John Fenriz. The way the strategy works is by using the card Retribution in tandem with any shield card like Blessing of 保護 また Regenerate .

The strategy works like this:

1. Get the Retribution card
2. Gain any amount of shield
3. Use Retribution 4 回 (You will most likely have to cycle your hand and go through a few rounds, easiest way to do this is by having multiple Retribution cards or by using Double Down)
4. 入手したら 4 Retributions active destroy your shields in any way possible, the card Strip works amazing for this
5. Get to the next round and the task will unlock!

As long as you don’t have any cards that affect the amount of cards you can draw this should give you the max amount of cards you can initially draw. Have fun with your new variant!

このガイドについて Heretic's Fork によって書かれた Echoes. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
