入手方法 “キットアウト” 切断された鋼材での実績

このガイドでは, I will show you the exact steps of getting theKITTED OUTachievement in Severed Steel.

ステップ 1

On the rogue steel page, make sure you don’t have any advanced game rules.

ステップ 2

On the first card selection, 選ぶ “rogue”, so you will get more score in the end.

ステップ 3

Congrats if you have beaten the first level! On the second and third one, make sure you select therebananced bullet time” と “faster slow-mothe order will be random, しかし、あります 100% on the second and third level. This will almost remove slow motion, but it will be easier to get points.

ステップ 4

おめでとう! After beating level 3, you can select any card you want! ATTENTION!!! You can pick anything you want from TIER 1.

ステップ 5

Once you have reached tier 2 (beating 4 レベル), you need to choose “-2 健康”, as it will give you more points. しかし, if you find any other card (速度, faster dive, double magazine, 大砲, 等) you can get those one and get the “-2 健康” next round. この例では, i want to take thesuper kickslideone and i will get the “-2 健康” next round. After you take the “-2 健康” カード, pick any card you want until tier 3. The cards i recommend are: “super kickslide”, “super dive”, “cutter cannon”.

ステップ 6

Once tier 3 pops up, do not take any card that boostes the score, because the game will become almost impossible to continue. その代わり, you can take any card you consider good. You should avoid: “blood feud”, “floor is lava”, “attack the weak point”, “one in the chamber (use this only if you consider you can pass with it),.

ステップ 7

Once you have completed, you should have 1 mil score. Repeat this again and again until you have 32 mil score in total (32 走る).


  • If you ever find a flame thrower, try to keep it across levels as much as you can, since the weapon you carry will pass into the nest level
  • If you ever find the challenge hard, it might be because the endesys gave you some hard cards. 心配しないで! Reset the run and follow the steps again
  • Try to kill everyone in every level, this will give you extra points
このガイドについて 切断された鋼 によって書かれた itsmateii. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
