ハント ショーダウン PS4

ハント: ショーダウンアップデート パッチノート

開発者 Crytek が Hunt の最新アップデートをリリースしました: 今日の対決, 行進 18, 2021. 新しいハント: 対決アップデート ダウンロードできるようになりました.

公式の変更ログに見られるように, 新しいパッチは、前回のアップデートのリリース以降に報告されたいくつかの問題に対処しました. この新しいアップデートでは大きな変更は見られません.

興味のある方へ, 以下のリリースノートをご確認ください。.

ハント: ショーダウンアップデート パッチノート

Full Metal Jacket:

  • FMJ rounds no longer have a base damage reduction over regular ammo. They will still have a slower muzzle velocity.
  • FMJ rounds will now retain more of its damage after the first few wall penetrations.
  • All FMJ rounds will now penetrate through up to two layers of thin metal sheets.


  • Spitzer ammo will retain slightly more damage after the first few wall penetrations. It will still have less base damage than regular ammo.
  • All spitzer rounds will now penetrate through up to two layers of thin metal sheets.

  • Updated some ammunition stats on the store page.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Spider and Assassin to become stuck or die in unreachable positions.


  • Fixed an issue where the charge animation for the Winfield Centennial would play faster than intended. The animation will now be in line with the rate of fire.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in some weapon stats showing the incorrect values.


  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the incorrect amount of XP being granted for kills. The XP will now be calculated correctly.


  • Fixed a server performance issue that could occur from igniting several oil pools simultaneously.


  • Fixed a potential crash that could occur due to crossbow bolts being stuck in barricaded doors.
  • Fixed several minor localization issues.


  • Fixed an issue where extra info on the death screen could overlap with other UI elements.
  • Fixed an issue that results in the ELO arrows being hidden incorrectly.

Players will be downloading around 500 MB for this update.



Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.