呪術廻戦編 142

呪術廻戦編 142: Choso Defeats Naoya, Yuta Attacks Choso, イタドリ敗北

漫画家・芥見下々が呪術廻戦の最新章で帰ってきた. チャプター内 142 of Jujutsu Kaisen manga, we got to see the continuation of the manga series after the Shibuya incident.

The new chapter covers the full fight between Choso and Naoya. 加えて, we also got to see the outcome of the matchup between Yuta and Itadori.

Did Choso Defeats Naoya Zenin?

The head-to-head match between Choso and Naoya starts in 章 141 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga series, while the full fight between these two fighters was covered in Chapter 142.

The fight between the two is surely intense and one of the advantages of Naoya is the weapon that he brought. While he’s confident that he can defeat Choso, he was caught off guard when Choso used his Blood Manipulation techniques. The final technique that Choso used to defeat Naoya was Supernova.

Did Yuta Defeats Itadori?

The last spread of Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 142 features the reappearance of Yuta Okkotsu. Yuta previously appeared in the previous manga chapter where he was seen fighting Yuji Itador. 前の章で見たように, Yuta stabbed Itadori with his broken sword. While we have seen Sukuna smiling in Chapter 141, it seems that he didn’t do anything this time to save Itadori.

呪術廻戦編 142
Yuta dragging Itadori in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 142

チャプター内 142, we have seen Yuta arriving at the battlefield where Naoya and Choso are fighting. After Choso defeats Naoya, Yuta was seen dragging Itadori. Choso was caught off guard with the attack of Yuta.

About Jujutsu Kaisen

呪術廻戦は、芥見下々によって描かれ書かれた漫画シリーズです. マンガは連載され、3月に集英社の週刊少年ジャンプ誌の一部になります 2018. 呪術廻戦マンガシリーズの最新章を読むことができます。 ビズ と マンガモア.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.