
Knight Crawlers のコントロールとショートカット ガイド

Knight Crawlers is an action-RPG video game developed by Good Morning Games. ゲームで, you will be doing a lot of action and fighting, and every action can only be performed by clicking or pressing certain keys. If you are a new player who is unfamiliar with the game controls, this guide will show you the complete list of Knight Crawlers controls.

Knight Crawlers Controls

The following are the default Knight Crawlers key bindings. これらのデフォルト コントロールは、ゲームの設定セクションで変更および再マッピングできます。.

Spawn Enemy
Extract Essense
First AbilityH
Second AbilityJ
Third AbilityK
Fourth AbilityL
Navigate UI矢印キー / WASD
Use ArtifactP
Knight Crawlers Controls

キーボードのサポートとは別に, the developer of the game has also confirmed that you can use a gamepad controller to play Knight Crawlers. The game already has default controls assigned for the PlayStation and Xbox controllers. でも, you can also use any generic controller to play the game without any issue.

Here are the default controller bindings for the game:

This concludes our Knight Crawlers controls guide. ゲームの重要なキー コントロールを見逃した場合, このページを更新できるように、遠慮なくお知らせください。.


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