ワンピースの章 936

ワンピースの章 936 Predictions and Release Date

いつものように, Eiichiro Oda always wants to hype fans in each One Piece chapter. Like what we’ve seen in the previous chapter, Luffy is facing another life or death situation that surely he can’t escape if Queen doesn’t change his mind or no one rescues him. With the upcoming One Piece Chapter 936, we’re about to see how our protagonist will survive.

アップデート: ワンピースの章 936 スポイラー 出ています!

How Will Luffy Survive

述べたように, Luffy is about the face the wrath of Queen, who is one of the big names under Kaido’s crew. One question that comes in is how Luffy will survive this situation.

We have already seen Luffy escaped death in many ways. From being saved by his father, saved by the lightning, survived Magellan’s poison, などなど. While the chance of him surviving his current situation right now is pretty slim, he still got a chance of living. But how?

クレジット: @bryanfavr

たった今, the only way Luffy can escape is when Raizo and Kawamatsu save him. Kawamatsu is a strong samurai who served Oden back then and knowing that Raizo is helping Luffy, there’s no doubt that Kawamatsu will ignore him.

And that’s for the prediction this week. Let’s see how things unfold once One Piece Chapter 396 releases in the next few days. The new chapter will officially release in the next Shonen Jump magazine issue on March 18, 2019. デジタルスキャン usually release a day earlier, so make sure to check your favorite manga website.


ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.