過酷なドアストッパー作戦 – ゲーム内のスクリーンショットを上手に撮る方法

This a simple and easy guide for those who are looking to take amazing screenshots or wonderful in-game cinematics on the game.

The Commands You’ll Need

Here’s a few list of commands that you’ll need for this job

  • デバッグカメラの切り替え This command would make your character flies without the weapon viewmodel on the screen and you would be able to freely fly around the map.
  • slomo This command would make everything slower, hence the name of the command, slomo. To use this you’ll only need to add a number after theslomocommand for exampleslomo 0which would make everything stops, “slomo 0.5which would reduce the game’s speed to half which would be awesome for those who wants to make a cinematic video. “slomo 1would return everything back to normal and the last thing is that you could use any number such asslomo 0.2” また “slomo 0.7or anything that you want.
  • showhud This command would disable the hud completely which again would be pretty useful for those who want to take screenshots or those who want to make cinematic videos. You could useshowhud 0to hide the hud andshowhud 1to show the hud again.

Those are the few commands that you’d need for the job and if you found this guide helps make sure to share this guide with your friends. また、, if you have any trouble/questions feel free to ask me!

このガイドについて 手術: 過酷なドアストップ によって書かれた calvelazo09. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
