スライムランチャー 2 – 太陽の樹液を見つける場所

The February update brought us a winter wonderland! Out in Powderfall Bluffs, an extremely rare crafting ingredient called Sun Sap hides at the bases of trees.

This map obviously contains spoilers. Featured are markers for the known Sun Sap spawn locations that I have found so far. Sun Sap has the same environmental qualities as Gilded Gingerit will not spawn in the same place every day, and you may need to check all mapped locations to find just one.

I may update this map as I discover more locations.

このガイドについて スライムランチャー 2 によって書かれた ARI BONGWATER. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
