ソロレベリング 韓国ドラマの適応が発表

TL;DR: Solo Leveling は、世界中で高い評価を得ている非常に人気のある漫画シリーズです。 2016, そして今ではさまざまな適応に拡大しています, including an anime, a game, and a K-drama, all set to release in 2024.

ソロレベリング, a very famous Manhwa series, has gathered a huge fan following, and fans are eagerly awaiting its RPG and anime adaptations. Excitingly, there’s news that Solo Leveling will also be made into a K-drama series.

The journey of Solo Leveling began in 2016 as an online story and later transformed into a webcomic. The first part of the webcomic was released in 2018 and concluded in 2020. Following that, the second season came out in 2020 and ended in 2022.

Even after the Manhwa series concluded, fansexcitement for Solo Leveling remained strong. 特に, の 2022, the announcement of a game based on the beloved series created quite a buzz. Fans were thrilled to learn that an anime adaptation of the game is set to be released in January 2024.

But there’s even more to look forward to. 最近のインタビューで, the CEO of Webtoon Wiz shared some exciting news for Solo Leveling enthusiasts: a K-drama adaptation of the series is currently in progress.

ソロレベリング 韓国ドラマの適応が発表

Solo Leveling is super popular all around the world, and there’s no doubt about that. 以来 2016, it has gained a ton of fans and become extremely famous, making it one of the most successful Manhwa series ever.

In an interview with Linternaute, CEO Wangho Lee from D&C Webtoon Biz discussed the early success of martial arts and fantasy genres. When asked about their most popular fantasy light novel, he mentioned Solo Leveling. He mentioned that they always knew that Solo Leveling had a special potential that not many people usually talk about.

We knew right from the start that Solo Leveling would be a title that really resonates with its audience,” said Heaeun Kwak, the creative director of Webtoon. She also expressed immense satisfaction and pride in the seriessuccess. “According to us at D&ハ, the year 2024 is all about Solo Leveling,” he added.

Lee then mentioned that fans can start reading the Webtoon version of Solo Leveling: Ragnarok in early 2024. He also had some exciting news to share: a Korean drama based on Solo Leveling is in development, so fans should get ready.

With so many Solo Leveling projects in the works, it’s crucial to keep the dates in mind so that we don’t miss out on anything.


アンバーは若い自費出版作家で、ゲーム関連のコンテンツを書く可能性があります。. 執筆や勉強をしていないときは、お気に入りのゲーム、スーパー マリオをプレイしています。.