TaleSpire 早期アクセス コンテンツ パック 1 ロールアウト

Developer and publisher Bouncyrock Entertainment has rolled out the first content pack update since the start of the early access of TaleSpire. The new update covers the addition of new creatures, タイル, and props that players can use in the game.

In addition to the mentioned new contents for TaleSpire above, the developer has also included some minor changes and bug fixes in this update. The new patch carries the build version 6591993 蒸気で. 詳細によると, this new update has a total file size of 717.8 MB.

For the full details of this update, feel free to check the full changelog and content additions below.

TaleSpire Update on April 24


  • Gnolls (戦士, 射手, アルケミスト)
  • Hyena

Tiles and Props

  • Palisade TileSet
  • Palisade Door
  • Palisade Various props
  • Abatis
  • Various stone and wood debris
  • Maple leaf piles
  • Animal Bones


  • Moved some creatures from Monsterious into Humanoid and Construct
  • The Moorgoth flat roof texture tweak


  • Fixed where compass would lose events once PhotoMode had been enabled once
  • Fix another initiative order issue when deleting creatures
  • Fixed where hidden creatures could create bright white shader artifacts




Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.