The Mean Greens Plastic Warfare 実績ウォークスルー ガイド

Ever wanted to hunt all the achievements in The Mean GreensPlastic Warfare, but didn’t have anyone to play it with? Here’s a guide on how to get all of the achievements by yourself!


Achievement hunting can be fun, but can also be very difficult at times, especially if you don’t have anyone able to help you with getting the achievements. This guide will help explain how to get all of the achievements while playing solo, just like I have.

It should also be noted that most of the achievement trackers can be slow to update, sometimes not even count progression for a round. But just keep at it and you’ll be able to complete it!

Another thing to note is to make sure to keep your lobbies private when going for these achievements. Sure it’s very unlikely for someone to join in your game, but if someone were to join it could mess you up.

Easy Achievements

発進, here are the easiest achievements to get.



Simply start a round and play until completion.


Don’t sprint for an entire game

When playing in a round, do not press the sprint key a single time.



In the map Fishtank Frenzy, simply jump off the map and into the sand. Be sure to choose the map without bots.


Fishtan Frenzy で敵の旗をキャプチャし、ダメージを受けずに基地に持ち帰る

In the map Fishtank Frenzy, capture the enemy flag and return it to your base without falling. Be sure to choose the Capture the Flag version of the map without bots.

You Can’t Touch This


In the map Kitchen Run, go from your base all the way to the enemy cup without falling. Be sure to choose the map without bots.


Toybox Assault で死ぬことなく、すべての木琴を上または下に実行します。

In the map Toybox Assault, run up or down each xylophone without falling. Be sure to choose the map without bots.

Hard Achievements

Here are some of the harder achievements to get, either requiring a bit of skill/patience or a little bit of grinding.

Skill/Patience Achievements
These achievements will only take a short while, but are still quite difficult to get.I’m Gonna Ride It

Fishtan Frenzy でサメに着地する

In the map Fishtank Frenzy, there is a shark swimming around the bottom of the map. Time your jump carefully and try to land on the shark to get the achievement. This might take a few attempts. Be sure to choose the map without bots.


ハードル 5 Toybox Assault に当たらない RC カー

In the map Toybox Assault, there are RC cars racing around the middle of the map. Time your jump carefully and try to jump over a car as it approaches you. これを行う 5 times and you’ll get the achievement. Be sure to choose the map without bots.

Slightly Grindy Achievements
These achievements take a little bit of grinding to do, but don’t take too long to complete.20 演劇

遊ぶ 20 ラウンド

Play through 20 rounds from start to finish, you should get this achievement through normal play.

Davey JonesLocker

バスタブバッシュに溺れる 10 回

In the map Bathtub Bash, jump off the map and into the water 10 回. Be sure to choose the map without bots.


Toybox Assault で RC カーにひかれる 20 回

In the map Toybox Assault, there are RC cars racing around the middle of the map. Get hit by them 20 times and you’ll get the achievement. Be sure to choose the map without bots.

The grinding achievements

These achievements require a whole bunch of grinding. They shouldn’t take too long when playing rounds overall, but some might be harder than others.

100 死亡者(数

死ぬ 100 回

死ぬ 100 times overall while playing rounds, you should get this achievement through normal play. Be sure to play against bots.

100 殺す

殺す 100 敵

殺す 100 enemies overall while playing rounds, you should get this achievement through normal play. Be sure to play against bots.

100 アサルトライフルキル

殺す 100 アサルトライフルを持った敵

殺す 100 enemies when using the Assault Rifle overall while playing rounds. Be sure to play against bots.

100 ショットガンキル

殺す 100 ショットガンを持った敵

殺す 100 enemies when using the Shotgun overall while playing rounds. Be sure to play against bots.

100 スナイパーライフルキル

殺す 100 スナイパーライフルを持った敵

殺す 100 enemies when using the Sniper Rifle overall while playing rounds. Be sure to play against bots.

100 火炎放射器キル

殺す 100 火炎放射器を持つ敵

殺す 100 enemies when using the Flamethrower overall while playing rounds. Be sure to play against bots.

100 バズーカキル

殺す 100 バズーカを持つ敵

殺す 100 enemies when using the Bazooka overall while playing rounds. There is a cooldown before each shot, so this one will take a while. Be sure to play against bots.

100 旗取り

Capture the enemy team’s flag 100 回

While playing on the Capture the Flag gamemode, capture the enemy flag a total of 100 回. You capture 3 times per round, so this might take a while. I recommend playing on Toybox Assault, as it feels like the shortest map. Be sure to choose the map without bots.

Hardest Achievements.

Here are some of the hardest achievements to get, either requiring a great amount of skill or a LOT of grinding.


対処 10,000 Deep Freeze での恐竜のアイスブロックへのダメージ

In the map Deep Freeze, using the flamethrower, melt the middle block of ice, followed by freeing your team’s dinosaur from the block of ice below. You’ll need to do this multiple times, and this one will take a long while. Be sure to choose the map without bots.


下にドロップ 20 健康と再生 5 何度も死なずに

This one is really tough to complete and requires a bit of trial and error. Be a few steps behind a vertical wall and shoot a Bazooka to lower your health below 20 五回. You can do it with grenades as well, but they are unpredictable to work with.

Bathtub Bash works best as at the spawn there are perfect vertical walls and lines to help gauge your distance and line up consistently for each shot. Do without bots.

100 グレネードキル

殺す 100 グレネードを持った敵

Definitely the hardest out of all of the achievements. 殺す 100 enemies when using the Grenade overall while playing rounds. Be sure to play against bots.

I recommend to shoot a bot a couple of times with the Assault Rifle first before throwing your Grenade at the bot, as it doesn’t usually do 100 ダメージ. Art Table Shuffle on Free for All works best in my opinion, as it’s easy to spot bots, and sometimes they can get stuck. (That could always get patched out though). Good Luck on this Achievement, I know you can do it!


緑のチームでプレーする 100 回

Not hard by any means, just one of the longest grinds in the game. Play through 100 マッチ, 仕上げを始める, as the Green team. Kitchen Run without bots is one of the quickest ways to get this, clocking in at 1 minute to go to the enemy team’s cup and push it off.

(Assuming you don’t fall off the counter on your way there.)


タンチームでプレーする 100 回

Same as The Green Team achievement, but using the Tan Team instead.


Good luck on your quest, and feel free to let me know what you think! This is my first time doing a guide for a game on steam, so feedback is appreciated.

If you want more achievement guides for other games, feel free to let me know!

このガイドについて The Mean Greens Plastic Warfare によって書かれた PurpulPancakes. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
