Tower of God Chapter 592 発売日, スポイラー, と要約

TL;DR: The official release date for Tower of God Chapter 592 日曜日です, 10月 8, 2023, while fans can expect Chapter 591 spoilers to come on October 5, 2023.

わかった, so the last chapter of Tower of God left fans hanging, and now they’re super curious about what happens next. This story, created by S.I.U., has been keeping people hooked since it first came out as a webcomic on Naver Webtoon in June 2010.

そしてねえ, if you’re one of those fans eagerly waiting for Chapter 592, you’re in the right place! We’ve got all the juicy details you need. We’re talking about the release date, some sneak peeks (スポイラー), and even a quick recap of what went down in the previous chapter. そう, stick around, and we’ll fill you in!

What Happened Before Tower of God Chapter 592

そう, in the previous chapter, the commander of the Lobadon army decided to deal with Kirin, and that got readers really curious about how he plans to take on Kirin.

今, here’s the scoop: Haetae told Kirin that the princess and Laura’s party were on a submarine, and Kirin ordered him to destroy the Po Bidau’s battleship. Seems like things are getting intense, 右?

Yuri and Tiara were caught off guard by Kirin’s unexpected arrival, and they were wondering why he was suddenly invading their battleship. It’s like a surprise party, but not the fun kind!

As the drama unfolds, Tiara and Yuri have a little chat. Tiara mentions that she wanted to take a funny picture of Yuri to use as blackmail, but Yuri’s got quite the tolerance, just like her appearance. Tiara also reveals her plans to fight and clear out the enemies outside. But Yuri’s not too keen on joining the fray because she didn’t know Baam wasn’t there.

Fast forward to the present, and Tiara’s a bit surprised that Yuri decided to stick around for the fight instead of running away. But Yuri clears things up, saying she’s not there to help fight the Lo Po Bia army. いいえ, she’s just keeping an eye on Tiara because she’s, 良い, a bit obsessed with Baam. Yuri also drops the bomb that defeating Kirin won’t be a walk in the park.

And that’s not allKirin can’t believe his luck or maybe his misfortune as he finds himself face-to-face with these two formidable ladies. It seems they have some history, and Kirin might be onto something when he thinks they enjoy each other’s company. Things are getting interesting, 右?

Tower of God Chapter 592 発売日

Great news for all you Tower of God fans! 章 592 is dropping on Sunday, 10月 8, 2023, で 10:00 韓国時間午後. For our international buddies, here’s the schedule:

タイムゾーン 発売日時
KST (South Korea) 10月8日, で 10:00 午後
日本時間 (日本) 10月8日, で 10:00 午後
AEST (オーストラリア) 10月8日, で 11:00 午後
PHT (Philippines) 10月8日, で 9:00 午後
は (インド) 10月8日, で 6:30 午後
東 (私たち) 10月8日, で 9:00 午前
NT (カナダ) 10月8日, で 9:00 午前

You can catch Chapter 592 with English translation on Webtoon. And if you can’t wait and want to check out the raw version, it’ll be on Naver Webtoon.

Tower of God Chapter 592 スポイラー

We know you’re eagerly waiting for those Chapter 592 スポイラー, but as of now, they’re not out yet. いつもの, those sneak peeks come around 3-4 days before the official manga release.

そう, mark your calendars because it looks like you can expect Tower of God Chapter 592 spoilers to drop on October 5, 2023. Keep an eye on this page because we’ll be right there to share the spoilers as soon as they hit the scene. Stay tuned for all the exciting updates!


ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.