KAOS Survival

KAOS Survival Controls and Shortcuts Guide

Developer Agostinho Dias has finally launched their newest survival video game KAOS Survival. Just like any other survival game, you need to fight for your life in this game. Collect valuable items and weapons, and fight all the threats that you will be encountering.

With that in mind, the first thing you need to do is equip yourself with the basics of the game. To help you get started, this guide will cover all the needed things that you need to know about the KAOS Survival controls.

KAOS Survival Controls

Before we start, note that the following KAOS Survival key bindings can be remapped in the settings section of the game.

AccelerationS / W
Move ForwardS / W
Move RightA / D
Look UpO
Look RightMouse Y/X
AimRight Mouse Button
CrouchLeft Ctrl
Down Context MenuMouse Wheel Down
FireLeft Mouse Button
Lean LeftQ
Lean RightE
Lower Build PartQ
Quick Slot 11
Quick Slot 22
Quick Slot 33
Quick Slot 44
Quick Slot 55
Quick Slot 66
Quick Slot 77
Quick Slot 88
Quick Slot 99
Raise Build PartE
Rotate Build PartR
SprintLeft Shift
Toggle Camera ViewV
Toggle Combat ViewCaps Lock
Toggle Fire ModeB
Toggle InventoryTab
Up Context MenuMouse Wheel Up
Reset VR
Switch Camera
Social MenuN
Message ModeEnter
HUD InputH
Toggle ChatJ
Auto RunLeft Alt
KAOS Survival

Note that some unassigned actions in the game such as the handbrake and switch camera. If you’re planning to use these actions, simply go to the Controls settings and assign your desired keys.

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