블랙 클로버

블랙 클로버 챕터 293 스포일러, 출시일: Magna’s Power Unleashed

Manga author Yuki Tabata is back with another epic action for his Black Clover manga series. The latest manga installation, 장 292, has been officially released featuring the fight between Manga and Dante. After being put on hiatus for almost 2 weeks, the manga has returned on May 9th to continue the war against the devils in the Spade Kingdom.

Now that we finally got the new chapter, many manga fans are now thrilled to see what will happen next in the manga series. Continue reading as we will be sharing with you all the details that we know about the Black Clover Chapter 293.

Previous Chapter Recap

The new Black Clover Chapter 292 제목이 붙은 “To Knowcontinues where it has been dropped from the last chapter. The fight between Magna and Dante continues in this chapter. Before we got to see the actual battle, Yuki Tabata gave us a glimpse of how Zora Ideale assisted Magna in his training. Their similarities is how they are bonded together.

Shortly after, the manga now features the match against Dante. Magna, who stole some of Dante’s power, brings a huge blow against the enemy. Magna also warned Dante about the chains connecting them. With Dante’s regeneration, he seems to be confident that he can defeat Magna. 하지만, Magna’s conviction is getting stronger. The previous chapter ends with a cliffhanger featuring Magna giving Dante a huge blow.

블랙 클로버 챕터 293 출시일

Will there be a delay or schedule changes for the upcoming Black Clover Chapter 293? 다행스럽게도, there will be no delay in the release of the next chapter of the Black Clover manga. 즉, manga enthusiasts should be getting the new 블랙 클로버 챕터 293 5 월에 16, 2021.

Due to the popularity of the manga series, there are lots of websites illegally uploading the scans of the manga. But why patronize these kinds of websites when you can read the new chapter of Black Clover from the authorized distributors for free? 예, Black Clover is one of the manga series that offering free access for its latest chapter. You can read the Black Clover manga legally and for free on Viz Media 그리고 Manga Plus by Shueisha.

저자 소개

Billy는 애니메이션 매니아 팬입니다.. 그는 여가 시간에 만화를 읽고 애니메이션을 보는 것을 좋아합니다.. 그가 가장 좋아하는 애니메이션 및 만화 시리즈는 원피스와 헌터 x 헌터입니다..