레드 데드 리뎀션 2 할인

How to Find the Ghost of Bluewater Marsh in Red Dead Redemption 2

This guide will talk about a spooky 귀신 that can be found in the swamplands of Red Dead Redemption 2.

Spoiler Alert

This guide contains spoilers. Not any story line spoilers, but it will show you how to discover a secret character/encounter in the open world.

The Sad Story of Agnes Dowd

Agnes Dowd was a young woman who fell in love with a man that her parents did not approve of. She would regularly meet up with her lover in the swamps of Bluewater Marsh late at night.

Agnessecret affair would eventually be discovered by her parents, and in a heated argument between Agnesfather and her lover, 씨. Dowd pulled a gun and killed the man.

After her lover’s passing, Agnes had a breakdown and killed her father out of anger (and possibly her mother/others), before ending her own life at the same tree that she used to meet her lover at, in hopes of reuniting with him there in the afterlife.


Agnes Dowd’s tombstone can be found in the Shady Belle graveyard. It has her name on it, along with her age and alleged crimes that she committed.

The date of her death, September 4th, 1883, is two weeks before the massacre that killed all the residents of Pleasance. Pleasance is an abandoned ghost town in Lemoyne where ten people died.

The Ghost of Agnes Dowd

You can find Agnes귀신 in the Bluewater Marsh region of Lemoyne between 9 PM and 3 오전. (She usually spawns during foggy weather.)

She can be encountered a total of 16 타임스. (Don’t get too close to her ghost, otherwise it will disappear.) Each encounter, she will re-enact the events of her life story which led up to her death.

챕터에서 4, Reverend Swanson approaches other gang members around the camp and says that he saw a ghost, and when interacted with, he tells you that he sawthe ghost of a young lady, a woman in white”.

추가 정보

A lockbox and a rope hanging from the tree can be found next to her ghost.

In the final 16th encounter, ㅏ Ghost Orchid may spawn on the tree.

It is possible to kill Agnesghost by using a Tomahawk. You can loot her and get some cash + a gold wedding ring.

How to Find the Ghost

이동 이것 location on the map between 9 PM and 3 오전.

(She is more likely to spawn during foggy nights.)

She can be found wandering around the bayou, crying and pleading. Her ghost can easily be seen due to it being a bright, white luminescent color. Getting too close will cause her to disappear, so it’s best to observe her from a distance.

Agnes Before Her Death

A model of Agnes Dowd when she was alive is actually in the game files, and this is what she looked like:

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