아캄 호러: Mother's Embrace

Matricide Achievement – 아캄 호러: 어머니의 포옹

Kill the Dark Young with a Birthling explosion.

잠금 해제 방법  Matricide Achievement

Can only be done inA Mother’s Embrace” (대본 9). While fighting the Dark Young it will start to spawn the little monsters that explode upon death.

You have to kill the mutated Professor Tillinghast several times and she gets revived each time and siphons health off of the Dark Young. The last time she does this, the Dark Young will have one health remaining.

Lure one of the little Birthlings towards it and once it’s close enough shoot it to have its explosion kill the Dark Young.

안내 Ouka.

저자 소개

Earl은 거의 모든 새로운 게임을 플레이하는 게이머 중 한 명입니다.. 하지만 그는 FPS와 오픈 월드 게임을 더 선호합니다..