레드 데드 리뎀션 2 해적 검 위치

레드 데드 리뎀션 2: 해적 검을 찾을 수 있는 곳

레드 데드 리뎀션 2 is really full of surprises. 외에도 unique guns that you can collect in the game, you can also find rare weapons such as the pirate sword.

The pirate sword is not missable, and you can acquire it anytime that you want. The only thing that you have to do is traveling and get into the area where the sword is located.

해적 검 위치

The location of the pirate sword is right at the bottom right side of the map, just on the side of Saint Denis.

Broken Pirate Sword Map Location
Broken Pirate Sword Map Location

To find it, head to Saint Denis and on your map, you’re going to look at the mouth of the river right where the train tracks cross over. Below you can find three small islands, and one of them has the pirate sword.

레드 데드 리뎀션 2 Broken Pirate Sword
레드 데드 리뎀션 2 Broken Pirate Sword

Head over to the middle island and you will find a small boat. Go to the wrecked boat and you will see a skeleton there and the pirate sword that you can grab. Just be aware that the swamp has some alligators swimming around, so make sure to watch out for them.

Looking for more guides, 팁, and tutorials? Make sure to check out our 레드 데드 리뎀션 2 가이드 디렉토리.

저자 소개

게임 블로거, 스카이다이버와 엄마 2. 아르바이트 작가이자 게이머이기도 하다. 지금과 같은, 나는 PC에서만 게임을 한다.. 하지만 누가 알겠는가, 언젠가 PS4를 살 수도 있겠네요.