솔로 레벨링

솔로 레벨링: Will There Be an Anime Adaptation? When Will It Be Released?

If you like manga in the Manhwa style (comic books), the Solo Leveling series will be familiar to you. Regardless of the style, a common question about the series has been raised: when will the Solo Leveling anime be released?

Will There Be Solo Leveling Anime?

The news of a Solo Leveling anime adaptation has been circulating on the internet for a long time, so the possibility is real. Crunchyroll has recently adopted a number of Korean novels, such as The God of High School and Tower of God. This clearly bodes well for the adaptation of Solo Leveling anime.

Petition for Solo Leveling Anime Adaptation

의심없이, the number of Solo Leveling fans is a deciding factor in the manhwa’s adaptation. There is an open petition on the subject with nearly 200,000 signatures, 그것은, to say the least, an incredibly absurd response.

When is the Release of Solo Leveling Anime?

There has been no official announcement about the Solo Leveling anime, and it may all depend on how fans react to the subject. 아직, the anime is expected to debut between 2021 그리고 2022.

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Billy는 애니메이션 매니아 팬입니다.. 그는 여가 시간에 만화를 읽고 애니메이션을 보는 것을 좋아합니다.. 그가 가장 좋아하는 애니메이션 및 만화 시리즈는 원피스와 헌터 x 헌터입니다..