Madden NFL 20

Madden NFL 20 Title Update 1.29 Now Live, Patch Notes Breakdown Here

Electronic Arts has rolled out the first Madden NFL 20 update 1.26 for the month of April 2020.

The new Madden 20 title update version 1.26 can now be downloaded today to address the known issues in the game. Apart from the hotfixes, the patch also brings general stability improvements. You can check the full patch below.

Madden NFL 20 Update 1.29 Patch Notes

Franchise Updates:

  • General stability improvements

Gameplay Updates:

  • Fixed an issue allowing defenders into the backfield unblocked with defensive formations such as Nickel 2-4-5 Odd
  • Fixed an additional issue allowing the ‘Nasty Streak’ Superstar ability to be used on players out of position

Madden NFL 20 is available on Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

About the author

Earl is one of those gamers who will play almost any new games. But he more prefers playing FPS and open world games.