
Nintendo Temporarily Stops Digital Game Purchase in Russia

Lots of industries have been affected by the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. While some of these industries are still going, it seems that Nintendo has decided to temporarily stop digital game purchases from their Russian Nintendo eShop.

According to the details posted, Nintendo’s payment processor used in Russia has suspended the service. With this, Nintendo placed the eShop into maintenance mode, disallowing Russian users to make any transactions. Here’s what the translated message posted on the Russian eShop says:

Due to the fact that the payment service used in Nintendo eShop has suspended the processing of payments in rubles, Nintendo eShop in Russia is temporarily placed into maintenance mode.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We will share updates as the situation develops.

As of the moment, there is still no news about when the return of the eShop will be in Russia. Stay tuned for more details!

About the author

Earl is one of those gamers who will play almost any new games. But he more prefers playing FPS and open world games.