Dieren oversteken: Nieuwe horizonten

Dieren oversteken: New Horizons Update 1.2.1 Patch-notities

Following the update released last month, Nintendo has rolled out the newest Animal Crossing: New Horizons update 1.2.1.

Zoals verwacht, the new update did not bring any new contents in the game but it brings bug fixes and overall gaming performance improvements. The new Animal Crossing: New Horizons version 1.2.1 is now available for download on Nintendo Switch. Below is the release notes that we got for this patch.

Dieren oversteken: New Horizons Update 1.2.1 Patch-notities

  • Fixed some bugs.
  • Under the hood performance upgrades.

Over de auteur

Earl is een van die gamers die bijna alle nieuwe games speelt. Maar hij speelt liever FPS en open-wereldgames.