Metal Mind

Metal Mind Update 1.0.7 Patch-notities

Whirllaxy Studio has just announced the Metal Mind update 1.0.7, and players can now download this new patch for free. This is a minor update that fixes some of the bugs and several issues in the game, such as the concerns with the heat dissipation failure, text adjustments, en meer.

Helaas, the total download file size for this patch is not revealed. Echter, given that this update aims to address a few issues in the game, players should only be getting a small-sized download. Voor meer informatie over deze patch, bekijk de volledige release-opmerkingen hieronder.

Metal Mind Update 1.0.7 Patch-notities

  • Fixed the bug of heat dissipation failure|caused by the transformation skill value
  • Adjusted the text of the Enhance(Geavanceerd) vaardigheden
  • Adjusted the drop rate of (ontgrendeld) Enhance modifications

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