Where to Find All Feathers in Starshifter

Guide for collecting all feathers and the flower


Feathers can be tricky to locate. Playing without grass and no detailing can make them easier to spot as they should remain, although I found this to be possibly inconsistent.

Veerkracht 1:

This feather is located just to the right of the entrance to Prairie

Veerkracht 2:

This feather is located at the tip of the rock where the snake is located

Veerkracht 3:

This feather is located next to the canyon edge adjacent to a log, about the middle point between the owl race and the farthest edge of the map right of the canyon

Veerkracht 4:

This feather is located just the cliff above where the cougar boss is located, notable placed next to two trees.

Veerkracht 5:

This feather is located at the top of the back cliff, near the horses.

Skin Unlocks

The flower quest unlocks a skin for Coyote.

The flower is located back into a corner towards the forest side, just past the owl puzzle, and against the canyon edge.

After grabbing it, you can give it to the bison to collect a the skin. You do not need to drop the flower but simply walk up to one of them.

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