Fortnite-hoofdstuk 2 Deadpool's Challenge

Waar vind je de brief van Deadpool aan Epic Games in Fortnite Chapter 2 Seizoen 2

Epic Games has officially released the Season 2 of Fortnite Chapter 2. Along with its arrival, new set of challenges has also gone live. One of the challenges for the first week of the second season is to find Deadpool’s letter to Epic Games which is part of DEADPOOL’s Weekly Challenges.

If you’re having a hard time locating the letter, read on as we will be telling you how and where you can find the sweet letter that Wade left for the Fortnite developer.

Where to find Deadpool’s Letter to Epic Games?

Before you actually start finding the letter, first you need to make sure that you’re a Battle Pass owner. Since this is an exclusive challenge for Battle Pass owners, expect that it will be giving a handful of reward once completed.

Assuming that you own a Battle Pass, let’s now find Deadpool’s hideout in Fortnite. Om dit te doen, open your Battle Pass and find a Deadpool symbol above the vent. Click the icon and you will find yourself inside Deadpool’s secret lair.

Fortnite-hoofdstuk 2 Deadpools uitdaging

Before actually starting the mission, eerst, you need to open the computer to register the Deadpool’s weekly challenges. These challenges are:

  • Find Deadpool’s letter to Epic Games
  • Don’t thank the bus driver

Fortnite-hoofdstuk 2 Deadpools uitdaging

Now that you already know the challenges, exit from the computer and new icons will appear inside the room. Look on the ground below the urinal bowl and you will find Deadpool’s letter. Interact with it to read the letter and complete the challenge.

Over de auteur

Earl is een van die gamers die bijna alle nieuwe games speelt. Maar hij speelt liever FPS en open-wereldgames.