This guide is a work in progress as forestry still has upcoming expansion updates. Note that all images are sourced from the official OSRS wiki.
Runelite Plugins (Optional)
It is strongly recommended that you use Runelite for forestry
You can download Runelite from the official Oldschool Runescape site to avoid installing a trojan horse
Entity hider
- Hide other players, pets and random events to significantly increase visibility, especially for roots
- Do not hide npcs, as some forestry events use npcs to function for engine reasons
Menu entry swapper
- Use shift-right-click to set “Left click walk-here” on brown roots, attackable monsters, and other specific npcs & objects that may be obstructive. Non-runelite users can set attackable monsters to left click through their attack options in the settings
- Can also be used on the forestry kit, log basket, and other useful items
Npc highlight
- Increased visibility for the leprechaun and other npcs you want to highlight
Logout timer
- Extends the idle logout timer up to 25 minutes (default is 5 minutes)
Starting off
Head to either draynor village or seers village to buy your forestry kit for 120 coins from the friendly forester (pictured). These two locations are also very populated on forestry-themed worlds
A bronze axe can be taken from a nearby log, though it is recommended to use at least an iron axe, or the best axe allowed by your woodcutting level
You can now start woodcutting trees to spawn events as long as you have your forestry kit either in your inventory or in your cape slot. The more players there are, the more likely that events will spawn, and you get an invisible boost when chopping the same trees as other players
Forestry events can occur on any world (both f2p and members) but it is recommended to use the most populated worlds available
Forestry events will not occur inside the woodcutting guild.
Rising roots
Roots will occasionally grow from the ground and can be chopped for anima bark and woodcutting xp. These roots cay “Move around” in cycles by shrinking and growing back elsewhere nearby. When all roots begin to shrink at once is when the event is about to expire
Most of these will be brown roots, but one of them will be glowing green (pictured) which will give around 2-3 times more resources per action. This root doesn’t appear on the very 1st cycle, and occasionally doesn’t appear on the 2nd, but otherwise there will always be one glowing root.
Other players may use their overhead prayers to guide you towards the green root, but you should be making your own effort to find it
3 ticking (advanced)
An optional click-intensive technique can be done to generate more bark and xp by decreasing the skilling timer from 5 ticks to 3 ticks, done by transferring one action to another. This requires an understanding of the game’s tick system and some fast clicking
The easiest way to do it is with a pile of snow made using a snow globe, which can be obtained from diango in draynor village if players have previously completed a christmas event at any point
This snow pile can be shared with other players and lasts for around 10 seconds and can’t be generated on top of roots, meaning you can’t grief with it
- Click snow > click roots > wait for xp drop > repeat
Another way of 3 ticking can be done using a teak/mahogany log and a knife, or using a guam herb on swamp tar while having a pestle & mortar
- Use log on knife > click roots > wait for xp drop > repeat
- Use herb on tar > click roots >wait for xp drop > repeat
Struggling sapling
A tree that has been chopped down may occasionally be replaced by a struggling sapling, which must be fed 3 of various ingredients from piles that appear scattered around. These ingredient piles include:
- Green leaves
- Rotting leaves
- Droppings (ew)
- Splintered bark
- Wild mushrooms
You need at least 1 free inventory space for the mulch
There is a randomized combination of these ingredients that must be solved to maximize the nutriment value. The easiest way to solve it is by taking 3 of the same ingredients and feeding it to the plant, then paying attention to the game chat to see if the plant likes this ingredient in a specific order (example, “The plant likes rotting leaves as the second ingredient”), then move on to the next pile until all hints are revealed. The same ingredient can occur multiple times in a combination
Depending on where the piles spawned, it’s sometimes faster to match only 2 out of 3 ingredients (equal to 70% nutrition) than to match all 3. Advanced movement knowledge can allow for even faster gathering, but that’s optional
Once the sapling is fully healed, you will be awarded bonus anima bark & woodcutting xp, along with 20 piles of a random type of leaf which will be used in a future update
Flowering bush
Several flowering bushes will appear scattered around the area along with some harmless bees who need your help to pollinate the flowers
There are several flowers that appear at once, but only 2 of them will be “Active”. As they all look identical, you must use trial and error to find these 2 active flowers and then click back & forth between them until they shuffle again. Purple fruit will grow from these flowers when they’ve shuffled. You need at least 1 free inventory space for the strange pollen
Normally pollinating is a 2 tick action, but if the active flowers can be pollinated without you moving, you can maintain a 1 tick pattern for faster gains
Other players may use their overheads to guide you towards the active plants, as they’re the same for everyone
Once the event ends you will be awarded bonus bark & woodcutting xp, along with strange fruits & seeds that are placed on the ground for you to pick up
This event spawns more often if at least one nearby player has bees on a stick, but can also occur naturally without it
Woodcutting leprechaun
The woodcutting leprechaun offers no rewards, but instead functions as a free bank deposit for your woodcutting resources. He will stick around for ~30 seconds before disappearing
This event only occurs if at least one nearby player has a leprechaun charm on them. The player who summoned him has no restriction on the items you can deposit through him, though they still have the option to only deposit woodcutting resources
Currently there is a bug where arctic pine, teak, mahogany, and blisterwood logs can’t be deposited through normal means. Players with a log basket can instead use the basket on him to empty it, then fill it again with their remaining logs and repeat
It is recommended not to use leprechaun charms if there’s already a bank nearby, as currently only one event can occur at a time
Forestry shop (untradeables)
All logs used to purchase items must be in noted form
Anima-infused bark: the primary currency of the reward shop
Log basket: costs 5,000 bark, 300 oak logs and 300 willow logs. Allows you to store an additional 28 logs per inventory, and may only be emptied at a bank (similar to fish barrel). This is the first upgrade you should buy
Funky shaped log: costs 15,000 bark and 500 of every type of log (excluding normal and blisterwood). Feed it to your pet beaver to permanently unlock different color transmogs, which then can be fed specific logs to recolor it
Lumberjack outfit: full set costs 5,000 bark, 100 maple logs, 620 yew logs, 360 magic logs, and 120 redwood logs. Awards up to 2.5% bonus xp when worn or stored in a forestry kit. It is not recommended to buy from the shop, as it’s much easier to obtain through temple trekking
Forestry outfit: full set costs 5,000 bark and 240 of every type of log (excluding normal and blisterwood), as well as the lumberjack outfit. A permanent cosmetic override for the lumberjack outfit, and otherwise functionally identical to it. You can still obtain duplicate lumberjack outfits if you want both sets
Forestry shop (tradeables)
All logs used to purchase items must be in noted form
Items in this section (including most crafted items) can be traded to other players, either directly or through the grand exchange
Secateurs blades: costs 20 bark, 10 oak logs, 5 willow logs for a set of 50. Used to craft secateurs attachments which allow you to collect leaves when chopping specific trees. Requires 35 woodcutting and 35 smithing to craft, along with an iron bar
Ritual mulch: costs 150 bark and 10 maple logs for a set of 40. Used to craft nature offerings which give a 60 to 80% chance of getting double logs per action, and is always consumed on every action (similar to spirit flakes). Requires 50 farming and 68 woodcutting to craft, along with a high tier herb (avantoe and above)
Clover insignia: costs 200 bark and 15 oak logs for a set of 10. Used to craft leprechaun charms which allows you to summon the woodcutting leprechaun. Requires 70 woodcutting, 70 crafting, and 35 farming to craft, along with an emerald and a ball of wool
Powdered pollen: costs 300 bark and 15 willow logs. Used to craft bees on a stick which will let you summon flowering bushes more often. Requires 35 woodcutting and 50 hunter to craft, along with a ball of wool and a normal log. You must use the pollen on a beehive to craft it, which can be found in a fenced area just south of seers village
Naughty log brace: costs 3,000 bark, 300 maple logs and 300 yew logs. Used to craft a sturdy harness which allows you to combine the log basket with your forestry kit to save inventory space. Requires 75 woodcutting and 75 smithing to craft, along with 2 ropes, 3 adamantite bars and 45 steel nails. Though it functions as normal when assembled, it’s better to keep them separate when in use as the log basket currently can’t be emptied without disassembling. Re-assemble when not in use to save bank space instead
Clothes pouch blueprint: costs 10,000 bark, 300 willow logs and 300 maple logs. Used to craft a clothes pouch with can be combined with your forestry kit to allow storing your lumberjack/forestry outfit in it. Requires 50 woodcutting and 50 crafting to craft, along with a thread, needle, and soft leather