Phasmophobia update has just been deployed by developer Kinetic Games and we have the full patch notes for your reading pleasure. The new Phasmophobia update brings some minor changes and bug fixes to the game.
Unfortunately, since the last update, players have been reporting a series of in-game issues such as the bug in the kitchen sink, muted players, and more. With today’s update, these issues should now be fixed.
To make sure that you have the latest patch, you can simply launch on Steam to automatically fetch and download the new patch. In the meantime, feel free to check the full changelog below.
Phasmophobia Update Patch Notes
- Removed the imgui.ini file check so you can now use Reshade again.
- Removed the light cookie/ mask on the area light around you to make it easier to know when your flashlight is on.
- The main menu music has now been moved to a boom box that you can click to mute the music.
- Fixed an issue where the Jinn description was wrong.
- Fixed a bug where the kitchen sink water wouldn’t become dirty when the ghost turned it on.
- Fixed a bug where the keybinds would reset when loading into a game.
- Fixed a bug where your journal keybind changes wouldn’t save.
- Fixed a bug where you could hear muted players after they used the walkie talkie.
- Fixed an issue where the ambient occlusion option was showing for VR players.
- Fixed a bug where the connecting screen would stay after failing to connect to the server.