
Jak włączyć nową grę Plus w Teardown

Teardown has a lot of adventures that players enjoyed, but what will happen after you have beaten the game? Niestety, the game does not offer the New Game+ mode, but there’s a tweak that we can do to play the game without losing all of those valuable items and collectibles that we made throughout the game. W tym przewodniku, we will be showing you how to enable NG+ in Teardown.

New Game Plus

Setting upNew Game+is pretty easy.

  • Pierwszy, beat the game, or at least get the tools that you want to start your new campaign with.
  • Drugi, locate your save game file.
    It should be located under C:\Użytkownicy[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Teardown
    (You can also right click your Windows button, click Run, type %localappdata%, hit enter, and look for the Teardown folder)
  • Look for the file namedsavegame.xml”. Make a copy of that file as a backup.
  • Open the savegame, or your backup, file with something like Notepad and find the <narzędzie> section at the top. Copy from <narzędzie> do </narzędzie>.
  • Now open your game and reset your save game in the game options.
  • Start the campaign and grab your tools, exit back to the main menu. Your stats should say you have 3 narzędzia.
    I’m not sure if this part is necessary, but I just wanted to make sure I set any flags saying I picked up the starter tools so it didn’t possibly overwrite what we’re about to do.
  • Close the game, open your savegame file, and notice the <narzędzie> section has those three tools. Paste what you copied earlier into that section, overwriting anything in that section. Make sure it still starts with <narzędzie> and ends with </narzędzie>
  • Now start up your game again, your stats will still say you only have 3 narzędzia, but start the campaign, fix the power, and check your PC. You should now have all of your tools from your previous campaign listed and available on your missions.
  • gratulacje! New Game Plus Has Been Unlocked!
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