
Rozdział One Punch Man 145 Data wydania, Surowe skany, i Spoilery

Rozdział One Punch Man 145 manga jest tuż za rogiem. A teraz rozdział One Punch Man 144 został już zwolniony, the Saitama fandom are now excited to see and read the upcoming chapter of the manga series.

Dobrze, it’s not surprising to see why One Punch man fans are excited. If you already read the previous chapter, you already know the cliffhanger of the chapter. Our main protagonist, Saitama, surely need to come soon and help his fellow heroes. w rozdziale 144, we have seen how the enemy led by Fuhrer Ugly is giving some huge problems to the heroes.

Many heroes have already sacrificed their life and the latest chapter sees Tank Top Master who has been brutally beaten by the enemy. W tym samym czasie, the latest manga chapter of One Punch Man also features Tatsumaki, a Class S hero and currently the Number 2, who is unconscious after receiving a huge blow from the enemy. Is this the end of Tatsumaki? Let’s find out in the next One Punch Man manga chapter.

When is One Punch Man Chapter 145?

Ale już, the big question is when will be the release of One Punch Man Chapter 145. Unlike any other manga series out there who have their regular schedule, One Punch Man don’t have specific day for its release date. Czasami, the manga releases within 10 dni, sometimes more than 10 dni.

Z tego powodu, we will assume that the upcoming One Punch Man Chapter 145 will be released in the next 10 dni, which is between the last week of April and first week of May 2021.

Where to Read One Punch Man Chapter 145?

You can legally read the upcoming manga chapter from the official distributors such as Mianowicie media.

Tymczasem, if you haven’t read the new chapter yet, you can watch the chapter review and analysis in the video below.

O autorze

Billy jest fanem anime. W wolnym czasie uwielbia czytać mangę i oglądać anime. Jego ulubione serie anime i manga to One Piece i Hunter x Hunter.