Power to the People

Power to the People PC Keyboard Controls and Shortcuts

Are you one of the players who is looking forward to playing Crytivo’s newest city builder game? If so, here is the complete list of the Power to the People controls and shortcuts for the PC.

Power to the People Controls

Before we start with the controls guide, be reminded that you can change and modify these default Power to the People keybindings in the settings section of the game. Of course, make sure that you hit the apply button to save the changes that you’re going to make.

Pan Camera UpW
Pan Camera DownS
Pan Camera LeftA
Pan Camera RightD
Rotate Camera LeftQ
Rotate Camera RightE
Zoom OutX
Zoom InC
Fast ForwardN
Research WindowR
Company WindowI
Bulldozer ToolB
Toggle Satisfaction OverlayH
Toggle Capacity OverlayZ
Toggle NIMBY OverlayP
Toggle Power Usage OverlayU
Power to the People Controls

The rest of the functions of the game can be controlled using your mouse.

And this is everything you need to learn about the Power to the People controls and shortcuts. Let us know in the comments if we missed any key controls of the game. Also, check our Sifu controls guide for PC.

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