alienígenas: Fireteam Elite

alienígenas: Fireteam Elite – Como desativar a vinheta

Vignette is one of the effects that you will be seeing in Aliens: Fireteam Elite. For some players, the vignette is what makes the game exciting. No entanto, there are some players who are not a fan of dark screens while playing the game.

Felizmente, the game developer is giving players a chance to disable the vignette feature in Aliens: Fireteam Elite. Disabling vignette is not done inside the game, em vez de, it will be done by making some changes with the configuration file of Aliens: Fireteam Elite. Below are the simple and easy steps to disable the vignette.

Como desativar a vinheta

  1. Go to the configuration files of Aliens: Fireteam Elite. You can find the configuration file from this path:
    C:\Usuários<Nome de usuário>\AppData\Local\Endeavor\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
  2. Próximo, find and open the file named Engine.ini usando qualquer editor de texto.
  3. Add the following codes below and save changes.
    [Configurações de sistema]

After saving the changes, simply re-launch Aliens: Fireteam Elite and you should see that your screen is not dark anymore.

Sobre o autor

King é ex-funcionário de uma empresa de TI no Canadá. Ele agora trabalha nos negócios da família. Ele também adora jogar e escrever.