Fobia - Santo. Hotel Dinfna

Fobia – Santo. Controles e atalhos do Dinfna Hotel

Maximum Games has released their newest survival horror game titled Fobia – Santo. Hotel Dinfna. No jogo, you will be tasked with exploring and uncovering the dark history of a cult. With the danger that the place possessed, you didn’t want to get yourself cornered.

This is the main reason why you should learn the basics of the game. Before you start your journey to uncover the truth, this guide will show you the full list of Fobia – Santo. Dinfna Hotel controls.

Fobia – Santo. Dinfna Hotel Controls

The game currently supports the use of a mouse and keyboard and gamepad controllers. Abaixo de, you will find the default key bindings and shortcuts for these peripherals.

Siga em frenteC
Mover para trásS
andar para a esquerdaUMA
andar para a direitaD
AtirarBotão esquerdo do mouse
MirarBotão direito do mouse
agacharCtrl esquerdo
InteragirBotão esquerdo do mouse
Notas abertasQ
slot 11
slot 22
slot 33
slot 44
CorreDesvio à esquerda
Move Up in the MenuC
Move Down in the MenuS
Move Left in the MenuUMA
Move Right in the MenuD
Back in the MenuBotão direito do mouse
Confirm in the MenuBotão esquerdo do mouse
Mover itens / Highlight DocumentsF
Go to Left TabQ
Go to Right TabE
Fobia – Santo. Dinfna Hotel Controls

Como mencionado anteriormente, you can also use a gamepad controller to play Fobia – Santo. Hotel Dinfna. Here are the in-game controls screenshot using a controller:

Using Xbox controller:

Usando PlayStation controller

And this concludes our Fobia – Santo. Dinfna Hotel controls guide. Perdemos algum controle chave do jogo? Please do let us know so we can update this guide.

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