Missão Inferno

Controles de teclado do Hell Mission PC

Nick Hsu’s newest action-adventure game, está finalmente aqui. The game offers 9 chapters for players to explore and play the role of Eva, the most capable agent to face the horde of enemies. For players who are planning to join Eva on her mission, here are the default Hell Mission controls to help you get started.

Hell Mission Controls

Mudar PerspectivaMove Mouse
movimentosW A S D
PularBarra de espaço
Zoom the Radar Field of ViewRoda do mouse
Basic Operations
Knife Melee AttackBotão esquerdo do mouse
Troque de armaBotão do meio do mouse
MirarBotão direito do mouse
AtirarBotão esquerdo do mouse
Pausar jogoEsc
Actions and Menu

And this is everything you need to learn about the Hell Mission controls. Let us know in the comments if we missed any controls or shortcuts in the game.

Sobre o autor

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