Como aceitar uma entrevista com um desenvolvedor iOS?

If you’re planning to interview for an iOS developer position, preparation is key. Here are a few tips to help you ace your interview:

  1. Know the basics. Be sure to brush up on your Objective-C and Swift knowledge before the interview. You should also have a solid understanding of the iOS SDK and the various frameworks that are available.
  2. Be prepared to discuss your experience. Be ready to talk about any iOS development experience you have, including any apps you may have built. Be prepared to discuss the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
  3. Be ready to code. Many iOS developer interviews will include a coding component, so be prepared to write some code on the spot. Be sure to brush up on your algorithms and data structures knowledge beforehand.
  4. Have a portfolio ready. Be sure to have a portfolio of your work ready to show the interviewer. This will give them a chance to see your skills in action and will help them get a better sense of your experience.
  5. Be ready to discuss the future. Be prepared to talk about your plans for the future and where you see yourself in the iOS development field. This will show the interviewer that you’re committed to the field and that you have a vision for your career.

Do your research

When it comes to interviewing for an iOS developer position, the best way to prepare is to do your research. There are a few key things you should research before your interview, including the company, the role, and the interviewer.


When you’re interviewing for a position at a company, it’s important to research the company itself. Learn about the company’s history, missão, and values. Familiarize yourself with the products they make and how they’re used. E, most importantly, take the time to read reviews from current and former employees. This will give you a good sense of what it’s like to work at the company and whether or not it’s a good fit for you.


When you’re interviewing for a specific role, it’s important to research the role itself. What are the responsibilities of the role? What skills are required? What kind of experience do they prefer? The more you know about the role, the better prepared you’ll be to answer questions about it in your interview.


When you’re interviewing for a position, it’s also important to research the person who will be conducting your interview. Se possível, find out their name and title. Look them up on LinkedIn and see if you have any mutual connections. E, if they have a blog or website, take the time to read it. This will give you a better sense of who they are and what they’re interested in.

By taking the time to do your research, you’ll be better prepared for your iOS developer interview. E, como resultado, you’ll be more likely to ace the interview and land the job.

Be ready to discuss your experience

When you walk into an iOS developer interview, the first thing the interviewer is going to do is ask you about your experience. This is your opportunity to really sell yourself and your skills. Make sure you are prepared to discuss your experience in detail.

Be ready to talk about your past projects, your role in those projects, and the technologies you used. Be prepared to discuss the challenges you faced and how you overcame them. And most importantly, be prepared to discuss the results you achieved.

If you can show that you have a track record of delivering successful projects, you will be in a great position to land the job.

Have a solid understanding of the basics

As an iOS developer, it is important to have a solid understanding of the basics. This includes knowing how to code in Objective-C, Swift, and other languages, as well as being familiar with the Apple developer tools.

If you’re interviewing for an iOS developer position, be prepared to answer questions about your coding skills and knowledge of the Apple developer tools. Além disso, you may be asked to solve coding challenges during the interview.

Here are some tips to help you ace an iOS developer interview:

  • Be familiar with the basics of Objective-C and Swift. If you’re not already familiar with these languages, take some time to learn them before the interview.
  • Be familiar with the Apple developer tools. These include Xcode, Interface Builder, and the iOS Simulator.
  • Be prepared to answer questions about your coding skills and knowledge of the Apple developer tools. Além disso, you may be asked to solve coding challenges during the interview.
  • Have a solid understanding of the basics. This includes knowing how to code in Objective-C, Swift, and other languages, as well as being familiar with the Apple developer tools.

Be able to code

iOS Developer interviews can be tough. If you’re not prepared, you could easily find yourself floundering during the interview process. Felizmente, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of acing an iOS Developer interview.

  • Be familiar with the basics of Swift. If you’re not already familiar with Swift, now is the time to learn. Swift is the programming language used to develop iOS applications. Familiarity with the basics of Swift will go a long way in impressing your interviewer.
  • Have a strong understanding of the iOS SDK. The iOS SDK is a set of tools and frameworks used for developing iOS applications. A strong understanding of the SDK will show your interviewer that you know your stuff when it comes to iOS development.
  • Know your way around Xcode. Xcode is the IDE used for developing iOS applications. Interviewers will often ask questions about Xcode, so it’s important that you know your way around the IDE.
  • Be familiar with common iOS design patterns. There are a few common design patterns used in iOS development. Familiarity with these patterns will show your interviewer that you’re familiar with common iOS development practices.
  • Have a strong understanding of the iOS human interface guidelines.

The iOS human interface guidelines are a set of guidelines that dictate how iOS applications should be designed. A strong understanding of the guidelines will show your interviewer that you’re familiar with best practices for iOS development.

Be able to discuss the app store

Como todos sabemos, the App Store is the go-to place for iOS users to find new apps. Então, it’s no surprise that developers are always looking for ways to optimize their app store ranking. Na verdade, your app store ranking can have a significant impact on your app’s success.

Here are a few tips on how to improve your app store ranking:

  • Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions- When potential users search for apps in the App Store, they usually use keywords. Portanto, it’s important to include relevant keywords in your app’s title and description. This will help your app show up in more search results, and ultimately, help you attract more users.
  • Use high-quality screenshots and videosAnother way to improve your app store ranking is to use high-quality screenshots and videos. This will help your app stand out from the competition and give potential users a better idea of what your app is all about.
  • Keep your app updatedIf you want to keep your app store ranking high, it’s important to keep your app updated. This means regularly releasing new versions of your app with bug fixes and new features.
  • Get reviews and ratingsOne of the factors that influence your app store ranking is the number of reviews and ratings your app has. Portanto, it’s important to encourage your users to leave reviews and ratings. You can do this by providing an incentive, such as a discount or a freebie.
  • Promote your app – Por último, mas não menos importante, promoting your app can also help you improve your app store ranking. You can promote your app through social media, paid advertising, or other marketing channels.

Seguindo essas dicas, you can improve your app store ranking and attract more users to your app.

Have a strong portfolio

As an iOS developer, one of the best ways to prepare for an interview is to have a strong portfolio. This will showcase your skills and experience, and help you stand out from the crowd.

Here are some tips on how to create a strong portfolio:

  • Choose your best workWhen choosing what to include in your portfolio, isto’s important to select your best work. This means choosing projects that youre proud of and that show off your skills.
  • Keep it up to dateYour portfolio should be up to date with your latest work. This shows that youre keeping your skills current and helps to demonstrate your continued development as an iOS developer.
  • Make it visually appealingYour portfolio should be visually appealing as well as informative. Use clear and concise language, and include screenshots and videos where appropriate.
  • Keep it relevantYour portfolio should be relevant to the role youre applying for. This means tailoring the projects you include to match the requirements of the job.
  • Highlight your strengthsWhen creating your portfolio, be sure to highlight your strengths as an iOS developer. This could include your experience with specific technologies or your ability to solve complex problems.
  • Tell a storyYour portfolio should tell a story about your development journey. This will help to engage the reader and give them a better understanding of your skills and experience.
  • Have a strong portfolioHaving a strong portfolio is essential for any iOS developer looking to land their dream job. Seguindo essas dicas, you can create a portfolio that will help you stand out from the competition.


iOS developer interviews can be tough. You not only have to be well-versed in Swift and Objective-C, but you also need to know your way around Xcode and the iOS SDK. And to top it all off, you need to be able to answer tough questions from the interviewer.

Mas não se preocupe, we’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll give you eight questions to ask during your next iOS developer interview.

  • What was your favorite iOS app to develop and why?
  • What challenges did you face while developing iOS apps?
  • What is your favorite feature of the iOS SDK?
  • What do you think sets iOS apart from other mobile operating systems?
  • What do you think Apple could do to improve the iOS developer experience?
  • What are your thoughts on the future of Swift?
  • What do you think the next big thing in iOS will be?
  • Do you have any other questions for me?

Asking questions is a great way to show that you’re interested in the position and that you have the skills and knowledge to back up your candidacy. So make sure to ask some thoughtful questions during your next iOS developer interview.

Sobre o autor

Um ambicioso engenheiro eletrônico em formação. Geralmente você pode encontrá-la na biblioteca ou no quarto jogando seu jogo favorito, Pokémon Sun and Moon.. Ela está atualmente baseada no Japão para seu estágio.