Dinastia Coreana (Joseon Meta Anais) Atualizar 0.5.15 Notas do Patch

Na última atualização da Dinastia Coreana (조선메타실록) versão 0.5.15, lançado em outubro 16, 2023, several important changes have been made to enhance the gaming experience.

Primeiramente, this update focused on bug fixes. A significant improvement is the resolution of a problem where certain parts of the user interface would stubbornly remain on the screen while riding a horse. Adicionalmente, a crucial error has been addressed, which allowed players to create chickens without the need to catch them with an empty chicken coop.

Além disso, in the multiplayer aspect of the game, an issue has been successfully resolved. Anteriormente, players other than the host were encountering problems with their identity status not changing correctly, even after completing the main mission. These fixes aim to create a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience for all Korea Dynasty players.

Dinastia Coreana (조선메타실록) Atualizar 0.5.15 Notas do Patch

Bug fix

  • Fixed an issue where some UI would not disappear when riding a horse.
  • Fixed an error where chickens could be created without having to catch them with an empty chicken coop.


  • Fixed an issue where the identity status of players other than the host would not change properly even when completing the main mission.

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