POSTAL: Cérebro danificado

POSTAL: Guia de controles com danos cerebrais para PC

Brain Damaged is undoubtedly one of the most interesting action video games right now. With its retro-style graphics, you will undoubtedly enjoy the game’s gore. Nós iremos, it’s not actually gory as the blood that you will see can easily be handled.

The game will bring you into a world of non-stop action and shooting, which is why you should be well-equipped before starting the game. This page offers the basic POSTAL: Brain Damaged key bindings and shortcuts that will surely be useful to take down all of the enemies that you will face.

POSTAL: Brain Damaged Controls

To change these default POSTAL: Brain Damaged controls, simply go to the settings section of the game.

Para trásS
agacharCtrl esquerdo
IncêndioBotão esquerdo do mouse
fogo alternativoBotão direito do mouse
Reflect ProjectileR
Usar itemx
Próximo itemC
Item anteriorZ
Weapon SelectionQ
Arma 11
Arma 22
Arma 33
Arma 44
Arma 55
Arma 66
Arma 77
Arma 88
Arma 99
Arma 100
Próxima armaRoda do mouse para baixo
Arma anteriorRoda do mouse para cima
Salvamento rapidoF6
Carga rápidaF7
Menu de PausaEsc
POSTAL: Brain Damaged Controls

With all the listed controls for POSTAL: Brain Damaged above, you’re now ready to face any enemies in the game. Good luck and make sure to kill them all!

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