Anel da Dor

Atualização do Anel da Dor 1.4.02 Notas do Patch

Developer Simon Boxer has rolled out the Ring of Pain update 1.4.02, which according to them, it was just a minor update to fix some of the known bugs in the game. Along with the release of the new update, they also released the complete release notes for the update.

Além das correções de bugs, Ring of Pain patch 1.4.02 also includes some in-game improvements. You can find the full patch notes of the update below.

Atualização do Anel da Dor 1.4.02 Notas do Patch

Correções de bugs

  • Decanter works with grave stones
  • Monster card appears on the left side of the screen again when using observe mode with a controller
  • Fixed bug with certain candles re-equipping older items when loading from a save
  • Fixed issues with Steam achievements not unlocking on game launch


  • Pressing left or right on the “Continuar” button on the title screen now navigates as expected

Ring of Pain patch 1.4.02 agora está disponível para download em todas as plataformas suportadas.

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