Pertence a mim : A Lenda de Dongbaek

Pertence a mim: Guia de controles e atalhos da lenda de Dongbaek

Catnip Studio has finally released their newest 2D action video game, Pertence a mim: A Lenda de Dongbaek. No jogo, you will be playing as a half-demon exorcist and fighting against the enemies from the underworld.

With all the threats that you are about to encounter, you should be aware of the game’s basics. This guide will show you the list of Yeomna controls to help you get started in the game.

Pertence a mim: The Legend of Dongbaek Controls

There are several actions that can be performed in the game, which means that there are also lots of controls that you need to remember. Abaixo de, you can find the list of the Yeomna key bindings and shortcuts.

Vire à esquerdaSeta esquerda
Mover para a direitaSeta direita
Subir (Especial)Seta para cima
mover para baixo (Especial)Seta para baixo
Sword AttackBotão esquerdo do mouse / Esc
Gun AttackBotão direito do mouse / C
Desviar (Front roll in cat form)Botão do meio do mouse / x
ShapeshiftDesvio à esquerda / R
Abrir / Fechar Menux
Move Left in Chapter of Knowledge TabUMA
Move Right in Chapter of Knowledge TabD
Move Left in MenuQ
Move Right in MenuE
Abrir / Fechar MapaAba
Return to TitleEsc
Pertence a mim: The Legend of Dongbaek Controls

Além do suporte para mouse e teclado, the game also has full controller support. This only means that you can use a gamepad controller to enjoy Yeomna: A Lenda de Dongbaek.

Check out the default in-game gamepad controls screenshot below:

This concludes our Yeomna controls guide. Caso tenhamos perdido algum detalhe importante, por favor, não hesite em nos informar.

Boa sorte!

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