Sizeable Achievement Walkthrough Guide

All of the game’s achievements along with their requirements in an ordered list, along with info on how to unlock them.


Sizeable features 17 achievements, mostly awarded for playing all of its levels and finding various secrets. This guide contains instructions for all of them, to hopefully help you to fully complete the game.

Main Levels

These achievements are rewarded for beating various of the game’s regular levels.

A Sizeable Victory!

Unlock all the main levels of Sizeable.

This encompasses all levels in the first 3 worlds, meaning it is unlocked after beating level 20 (Swamp), the second to last level in world 3.

The 5 Wonders of Sizeable!

Unlock all Wonders of the World levels!

Wonders of the World is the game’s first expansion, containing 5 levels which now make up most the 4th world. This achievement is thus unlocked after beating the 4th level of world 4 (Taj Mahal).

All Done!

Unlock every normal level in Sizeable!

Sizeable has 6 worlds in total, containing 38 levels overall, including 21 base game levels, 5 from Wonders of the World, 4 from Among the Stars, 4 from Once Upon a Time and 4 from Community Matters.

For this achievement, you’ll thus have to beat the 37th one (Arcade), which will unlock the last level.

Secret Levels

Sizeable contains various secret levels, access to which is unlocked after finding all the collectible tortoises in the regular levels – see the “Shellebration” below for more info in this. Getting the secret levels beforehand is not possible, as their triggers will be missing from the levels they’re unlocked from.

The secret level selection displays an icon next to each secret level, which should give you a hint as to where the respective level can be unlocked.

All of the following achievements are related to unlocking the secret levels.


Find every tortoise and unlock the secret levels.

Every normal level contains a tortoise you can collect by clicking it, with 38 to find in total. The turtle symbol next to every level in the level selection menu tells you which of them you’ve already collected, being greyed out for all levels in which you haven’t found the tortoise yet.

Collecting all of them will unlock this achievement and allow you to access the game’s secret levels, with the first one (Secret 1) being unlocked straight away.

From The Beginning!

Find the secret level hidden in the main menu.

In order to unlock the second secret level (Secret 2), you’ll have to solve the puzzle in the title screen background. Just like in a regular level, you’ll have to collect 3 obelisks hidden around the diorama.

Currently, the game features a new title screen introduced through the Community Matters expansion. The first obelisk is placed behind the left arm of the rock giant, with the second one sitting right next to the main diorama piece, visible by rotating the diorama to the left. The third obelisk sits inside the center tower, accessible by scaling down said tower.

Future updates or holiday periods will change this title screen, but all of the variants can be solved rather easily.

While the level this unlocks can only be played after unlocking the secret levels, the achievement can be gained beforehand by solving the title screen.

Hole In One!

Unlock 2 of the first secret golf levels!

The secret golf levels are unlocked through the third level in world 2 (Golf), which gains an additional cyan flag the ball will have to reach. To do this, simply retrieve the moveable log from under one of the big pipes by shrinking it and put it next to the ball, scaling it up to push the ball towards the cyan flag.

Doing this will unlock the third secret level (Golf – Halloween), which you’ll then have to complete in order to access the fourth secret level (Golf – City).

Welcome To The Jungle!

Unlock the secret Jungle golf level!

For this one, you have to play the second level of world 3 (Jungle), where you’ll need to remove the golden cobra from the top of the temple, revealing a question mark field below. Simply place the small golden pyramid on this spot and scale it up to unlock the 6th secret level (Golf – Jungle).

Aquaduct to Rome!

Unlock the secret Colosseum level!

This achievement is accessed from within the second level of world 4 (Tower of Pisa), in which an aqueduct can be found. The ball on top of the tower will have to land on this aqueduct in order to unlock the 8th secret level (Colosseum).

To achieve this, simply fully scale up the buildings right in front of this aqueduct, then lean the tower towards it as far as possible by shrinking the correct support.


Find every hidden Ninja Pippin in the Sewers level!

For this one, you’ll first have to unlock the 7th secret level (Sewers), which is done in the 6th level of world 1 (City). There, you’ll find a big manhole cover with a question mark on top, which you simply need to scale down for the secret level to be unlocked.

Inside the secret level, there are 4 hidden tortoises. One is directly on top of the couch, while the second one is inside the pizza box underneath said couch. The last two are inside the two pipes, accessed by scaling the pipes down, then up again.

Holiday Levels

These following achievements require you to play Sizeable’s various holiday levels only available during the specified timeframes. Don’t worry though: there’s a method for accessing these year-round.

Said method takes us to the level selection screen, in which three tortoises are hidden among the tiny preview versions of the levels.

You’ll have to find all three of these, in the following locations:

  1. Right in the first level in world one (Tutorial), placed on the right side of the diorama.
  2. In the 6th level of world 3 (Swamp), on the far corner of the diorama.
  3. In level 4 of world 5 (Rapunzel), placed between the trees next to tower.

Finding all three unlocks buttons at the left and right side of the title screen, with the left one allowing you to take a look through previously used designs and the right button letting you switch to the seasonal title screens required for the following achievements.

Ho Ho Ho!

Find the special christmas level that is available from 21th of December – 31th of December!

This one is accessed via the Christmas title screen, which you’ll have to rotate in order to reveal a question mark field. Simply place any of the obelisks on this field to unlock the Christmas level.

Cabin Fever!

Find the special halloween level that is available from 28th of October – 3rd of November!

For this achievement, you’ll need the Halloween title screen. In it, shrink the house in middle in order to reveal a question mark field. Then place any of the 3 obelisks found around the title screen on this field to unlock the Halloween level.


Find the special Valentines level that is available from 11th of February – 17th of February!

This achievement is available through the Valentines title screen, in which you’ll have to scale down the hearts hanging on the pavilion’s edge to reveal a question mark field inside. After that, grab any of the obelisks strewn around the title screen and place it inside the pavilion to enter the Valentines level.


It’s mine, my own!

This achievement can be completed inside the Valentines level (see the “<3” achievement above for info on how to access it), which you’ll just have to beat normally to unlock the achievement along the way.

You’ll need to scale down the hearts hanging around the pavilion to reveal a key inside it. Grab this key, rotate the diorama to find a locked red box and open it with the key. Rotating the diorama further, you’ll find a pale hand reaching out from a crevice. Now just grab the ring found inside the red box and scale it down, before dropping it into the hand to unlock the achievement.

Happy Easter!

Find the special Easter level that is available from the 1st of April – 25th of April!

For this one you’ll need the Easter title screen, which features a question mark field on the right corner of the diorama. Like with the others, place any of the obelisks hidden around the title screen on this field to enter the Easter level


Crack open all 17 eggs in the Easter level!

This achievement is available in the Easter level (see the “Happy Easter!” achievement above for info on how to access it). The level has a bunch of easter eggs hidden throughout it, sonly some of which are needed to beat the level. You’ll have to find all of them, scaling each one up until it bursts and reveals its inside.

The Easter level has 4 sub-scenes containing many of the easter eggs, which are accessed by grabbing the ladder and placing it inside the 4 burrow entrances. While inside a burrow, you can scale up the ladder to exit again.

All of the egg locations:

  1. Above ground – out in the open towards right side of the diorama.
  2. Above ground – under some foliage next to the pocket watch burrow.
  3. Above ground – below the foliage next to the end of the ladder.
  4. Above ground – next to the couch-burrow.
  5. Shower head burrow – Inside the tub, accessible after shrinking the shower head to remove the water.
  6. Shower head burrow – Underneath the rug.
  7. Couch burrow – On top of the left couch.
  8. Couch burrow – Inside the left couch.
  9. Couch burrow – Inside the right couch.
  10. Pocket watch burrow – On the chair.
  11. Pocket watch burrow – Under the bed’s blanket.
  12. Pocket watch burrow – Under the bed.
  13. Shelf burrow – Right in front of the diorama.
  14. Shelf burrow – Behind the diorama.
  15. Shelf burrow – Inside the pot that’s inside the chest next to the bunny.
  16. Shelf burrow – Inside the chest next to the single shelf, which has another closed box on top of it.
  17. Shelf burrow – In the same location as the last one.

Other Challenges

Some additional challenges that don’t fit cleanly into the other categories.


Find the Cheshire cat!

This achievement is unlocked in the 6th level of world 5 (Wonderland), where you first need to move down the rabbit hole using the ladder. After that, simply rotate the camera to reveal the large grinning cat right where the camera started and click on it.

Faster than Ero?!

Reset your game and unlock all Sizeable’s normal levels in 40min or less! One sitting, but no tortoises or secrets needed!

As the description says, you’ll first have to reset the game using the “Delete Save” option in the settings menu. After that, simply play through the game, completing worlds 1 through 6 as fast as you can.

You have to complete 37 levels in total, giving you around 1 minute per level. Consider replaying all levels beforehand and/or consulting a walkthrough to prepare.

The achievement should be awarded after beating the 37th level overall, that being the second level in world 6, which unlocks the last, 38th level.

Bonus: Unlocking the rest of the secret levels

After finishing the guide, you may have noticed that the secret level selection menu still shows three locked levels. This section will tell you how to unlock each of these as well.

Secret level 5 – “Oz”

This one is unlocked from within the 7th level in world 2 (Farm). Simply scale up the cloud to cause a tornado, then scale down the newly added white house so it’s sucked into said tornado, unlocking the secret level.

Secret level 9 – “Black Hole”

For this one, you’ll need to enter the 7th level of world 4 (Mars). Instead of scaling up the mars to enter it, fully scale down the newly added sun to unlock the secret level.

Secret level 10 – “Golf – Northpole”

The last secret level is unlocked in the 7th level of world 3 (Northpole), which contains a newly added flag along with a golf ball on top of a ledge. Simply clear the ball’s path by shrinking the ice block in front of it, then scale up the block behind to push the ball towards the flag. Once it hits the flag, the secret level will be unlocked.

This guide about Sizeable was written by Mannor. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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