Waking the Glares Achievements Walkthrough Guide

Easy 100% Achievement Guide + Walkthrough

Overview + Controls

Waking the Glares is a great journey, an exploration-based game that will require the player to pay attention to the environment from a visual and acoustic point of view.


  • W = Forward
  • A = Left
  • S = Backwards
  • D = Right
  • Mouse Left Click = Use

Is Anybody There Achievement + Walkthrough

1) Walk forward see a house (image 1 below) press the door bell (left mouse button) look down see the mat move it pick up key and enter house and get 1st Achievement (image 2 below).

Roots Achievement + Walkthrough

After entering the house walk to the door on the left and take the wrench from under the kitchen sink the cupboard right of the cooker (Image 1 below). Leave the kitchen turn left and head straight forward to top of the room see the door on your left go through it and down the stairs. Turn left walk to the shelves and take the wheel (image 2 below). Then use it on the [pipe in the same room (image 3 below) then achievement will pop (image 4 below)

Bloom Again Achievement + Walkthrough

From here go up the stairs back into the room with the tree) then look to your right and go up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Enter the 1st door walk to the back of the room and click use (image 1 below). Then collect the crow bar on the floor, go to the next room along and move the cloth to reveal another flower. then turn left (ignore the door straight in front of you for now) open the door pull back the curtains to reveal another flower go along to the next room (the bathroom) use crowbar to rip planks off the window (image 2 below) to reveal another flower. Now downstairs to the bookcase and collect a record (image 3 below). Back upstairs to the room we ignored earlier and play the record on the record player (image 4 below). Achievement pops (image 5 below)

Birth Of A King Achievement + Walkthrough

From here go back down stairs to the tree in the living room it will open take what’s inside go back up stairs and turn right pop it through the locked door (image 1 below). Then enter the room walk to the desk and place the the gift (image 2 below). Achievement will pop (image 3 below).

You’ve Got Mail Achievement + Walkthrough

You’ll find yourself outside holding a medallion. Walk forward and up the steps to the house but go to the right there’s a bookcase with a letter (image 1 below) collect it the go down the steps and look to your right put it in the mail box (image 2 below). Achievement pops (image 3 below).

New Visions Achievement + Walkthrough

Your on a boat with a really nice sunset when it comes to a stop walk forward turn left then at the end take the note (image 1 below). Then climb the ladder. Go forward take your 4th left and sit at the table (image 2 below). From the menu select the bread 2nd from left at top of menu (image 3 below) when the waiter brings your meal Achievement will pop (image 4 below),

Right On Time Achievement + Walkthrough

From here go down the street and take your right you’ll see the clock shop on your right (image 1 below) enter it listen to the conversation the exit the shop. Turn right then right again to go round the side of the clock shop use the lock on the door (image 2 below) it’s different for everyone so try setting the hands between ten and eleven (mine was 10:15). Once inside take the pocket watch from the table. in front of you on your right Achievement pops (image 3 below).

Like A Lord Achievement + Walkthrough

From here go to the front of the clock shop then go straight forward across the road past the fountain and you’ll see a nightclub with a guy in the queue with a stick (image 1 below) . Go round the corner to the left and enter the building (first door you see). Once inside look to your right and pick up the shirt (image 2 below). Once you have it on enter the door to the left of the shirt (image 3 below) see the guy with the cane to your right he will give it you on the counter look below the counter to give him a chip (image 4 below). Exit the door behind you and put the hat on the shelf to your left (where you got the shirt from). Achievement will pop (image 5 below)

I Like You Better With Your Hair Down Achievement + Walkthrough

From here exit the club. turn left to to the front of the club follow the road round £rd exit is a painting shop (image 1 below) go in. Go through the door in front of you push the coat stand on the left (image 2 below) then go right to get the hair comb (image 3 below). if you get caught you can try again so don’t worry. Achievement pops (image 4 below)

Piece Of Cake Achievement + Walkthrough

From here exit the painting shop go forward to the next building look for the gold / yellow door (image 1 below) and sit on the seat next to the door. wait for a guy to turn up (the secret is the whistle) then go back out and straight forward you’ll see circus folk in the crowd is a woman’s bag click steal (image 2 below). From here turn around and go straight past the fountain till you come to a building go down the alley to the right of that building to a bird shop (image 3 below). Enter the shop pay the lady and take the bird whistle. Go back to the gold / yellow door and use the whistle. repeat until it lets you in. Achievement pops (image 4 below)

Voices Achievement + Walkthrough

From here follow the path then pull open the curtain a waitress will ask you too follow her then sit at the table (image 1 below). A man will sit down give him the paper then follow him. Sit in the chair wait till he brings out a statue. Achievement pops (image 2 below)

Hope You Liked it Achievement + Walkthrough

Simply let the credits roll till the end

This guide about Waking the Glares was written by Editorial Staff. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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Editorial Staff at Game N Guides is a team of video game lovers covering press releases, announcements, updates, and more. You can reach us using the contact form.