This guide goes over everything you need to know about items in Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr. Rarities, item types, where to get them, what to do with them, and so much more! Some important things are Crafting, Socketing, and psalm code doctrines.
Looting and gearing your character is one of the main foundations of Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor, similar to just about any other action RPGs out there. The items in this game start off pretty simple using common ARPG tropes with magic rare and legendary type pieces, but then it expands into something pretty unique with multiple different higher rarities and the ability to socket shards or psalm codes into your items.
Types of Gear
Many of your equipped items in this game will affect what active skills you have on your hotbar. Your weapon slot basically determines your entire build, it gives you 4 skills, or 2 if one-handed, the other 2 coming from your off-hand. Weapons used by psykers or tech adepts have blank skills that you can customize at your ship. Remember that you can switch weapons with the tab key by default for 4 different skills.
Your belt slot will determine your belt skill, bound to 3 by default. These cost supplies to use, once you’re out of supplies you can collect more through chests scattered around the mission. There’s a large selection of belt skills available, varying from straight forward AOE damage to advanced utility.
Your armour slot determines your armour skill, bound to 4 by default. This skill usually uses up a large amount of your class resource, has an extremely long cooldown, or both. Most of these can be considered your “Ultimate” ability.
Every class has three different armour skills, I’ll give one example for each. Crusader can use the cyclone missile launcher armour skill that can demolish enemies with a ton of AOE damage, the assassin can use the holo field to create a duplicate of herself that deals suppression damage, psykers can use this time warp aura to immobilize nearby enemies, and the tech-priest can use repair constructs, instantly healing all minions by 40% max hp and increasing their damage by 25%.
Your innoculator is what you’ll use as a healing consumable. It’s bound to zero by default, I’d highly suggest you change this keybinding since it’s so awkward. Your innoculator will have 4 slots that you can customize on your ship by talking to Metrodora Thelema. The colors of these slots are set in stone, you cannot reroll them, you can only pick components that belong to the color of the slot. Red components are all defensive, most of them offer to heal, but some can remove debuffs or restore your suppression. Yellow components are almost all offensive, there are a lot of options here, from simple global damage boosts to resetting the cooldown of armor and belt skills on use. Green components are all utility-based, they usually have an effect on the cooldown, charges, and duration of the innoculator. You may be tempted to take the most powerful components you see, but remember that these will add a large cooldown and increase the usage cost, so it’s important to find the right balance for you.
Your Neural implant, eye implant, main implant, purity seal, and signums are all stat sticks, they don’t give you new abilities. You can equip two signums for each weapon slot, only your currently equipped weapon’s signums will affect you until you swap to the other one.
The tech priest class has it’s own complete set of items, being construct equipment and modules that you can put on your minions to customize their attacks and stats.
Item Rarities Explained
Common, Mastercrafted, Rare, and Artificier. These are the four basic item rarities in the game, comparatively the same to other Action RPG’s Common, uncommon, magic, and rare items.
These items will drop from any type of enemy killed during missions, or in mission reward screens. The only real difference between these items is how many enchantments they can roll, where common can’t roll any, uncommon can roll 2-3, rare 2-5 and artificier 3-5. All of these enchantments can be re-rolled in the modify tab, which is extremely important because the enchantments are really the only thing you care about.
You can roll simple things like global damage boosts, cooldown reduction, crit chance, or damage reduction, but you can also roll a lot of different niche enchantments, such as greatly boosting the damage or cooldown speed of a specific ability, or giving a chance to apply damage over time effects such as poison.
For the most part, you’ll only really care about these in the beginning, in the late game, any items of these tiers are considered burdens and it should be your priority to replace them. These items drop all over the place, turning on auto-loot and mass selling them can be a great source of income as long as you don’t mind a messy inventory. Artificier items can be crafted as many times as you want once you unlock the item’s blueprint through monster drops or vendors.
These brown items are relics, which is the next tier up. They can roll 3-5 enchantments just like artificier items, but each one will have a special relic enchantment rolled from a unique and diverse pool.
These enchantments are usually much more powerful than a normal enchantment, and can potentially change your entire playstyle. A lot of these enchantments will only take in effect while in a certain state, you can find all the information you need on these states in the in-game encyclopedia under combat, battle states. Some important battle states to remember are exposed being below 25% of max hp and surrounded meaning there are at least 3 enemies within 10 meters. Enraged, Berserk, and Focused states can only be activated by a variety of relic enchantments and can get bonuses from many other relic enchantments.
This pool of enchantments is really big, but I’ll give a few examples. You’ll see things like damage bonuses or reductions when surrounded, increased damage for DoT Effects, HP regen per berserk token, and so much more.
Any relic item you pick up can essentially be a blank slate, as long as you have the crafting materials and credits because you can re-roll every enchantment on it as much as you want until you get an item perfect for your build. I like to horde relic signums, because everyone needs four signums no matter what weapon you’re using or what class you’re playing, so it’s nice to have these available to re-roll at any time.
You’ll start to find quite a few relics once you get into the end-game, high tier enemies such as villains, commanders, and elites will commonly drop them. There are a few different tarot cards that increase the chance to get high-quality items, which can be very useful for farming these items. You’re also able to craft relics from rarely dropped blueprints with only 5 uses.
Archeotech Relic
Archeotech relics are nearly identical to normal relics, but with enchantment from a special archeotech pool that cannot be rerolled. These enchantments are almost always more powerful than anything a normal relic can give you, but they are also really niche, so it’s hard to find that perfect one that works for your build.
You can roll enchantments like gaining invulnerability for 3 seconds upon losing 25% hp in one hit, adding a heat vulnerability every time you inflict burn, chance to avoid and reflect hits at the same time, and a lot more.
Archeotech relics are a lot rarer than normal relics, you’ll almost never find them from monster drops, the main place you’ll see these are from the increased rarity tarot card at the end of the mission, or from void chests at the end of void crusades.
The recently released season of warpsurge and inferno has added many new completely unique archeotech relics only available during the season, and there will presumably be more seasons adding more items, eventually making these legacy and only available through trade.
Ancient Relic
Now let’s talk about ancient relics, this is where things start to get weird.
When you pick up an ancient relic, it has no stats, but instead has 5 missions on it, things like killing a certain type of enemy, completing a certain type of mission with various challenges, dealing or receiving certain types of damage, and many more.
When you complete these missions with the item equipped, you’ll unlock the enchantment it’s tied to, often being much more powerful than an average enchantment, potentially being build-enabling. Here’s an example of a relic weapon that gives a ton of buffs to the tarantula turret construct, enabling a build that utilizes multiple turrets at once. Every ancient relic is set in stone, they’ll all have a suffix after their name that determines exactly what enchantments they’ll have, even before you unlock them. It’s a very interesting idea that I’ve never seen any other action RPG do, it’s like any other action RPG’s version of legendaries or uniques, but you have to work to unlock each enchantment.
Ancient Relics are pretty rare, I believe I’ve seen them drop from high tier enemies and through tarot cards, but the main place you’ll find them is from void chests at the end of void crusades.
Morality Relic
Morality Relics are archeotech relics with extra steps, but they bring in some pretty unique and crazy enchantments from their own pool. You are required to reach the end of either morality, radical or puritan to actually make use of the special morality enchantment.
You can view your morality in your character menu, once you reach 300 in radical, you’ll unlock the daemon forged item enchantments, and once you reach 300 in puritan, you’ll unlock the holy item enchantments. You gain or lose morality points by making important decisions in the story, or by making decisions in priority assignments from the astropath in your ship.
These morality enchantments are really strong, you can get damage reduction that exceeds the cap, huge damage bonuses against certain enemy types, and a huge chance to cause damage over time effects on hit.
Honestly, I’ve never felt the need to use these items, maxing out the moral compass is a huge time investment and I’ve never found a morality relic that would make that worth it, but I’m sure there are some niche builds out there that would love some of these enchantments.
These are the rarest item tier by far, I’ve exclusively only seen these drop from void chests, they might be able to drop from enemies and tarot cards but I’m yet to see it.
Sockets, Shards, and Codes
Once you unlock the right portion of the tech tree, you can start adding sockets to your items and putting things in those sockets. Two-handed weapons and Armour can carry 6 sockets, one-handed weapons can carry 4 sockets, main implants and innoculators can carry 3 sockets, and your belt can carry 2 sockets.
Items can drop with sockets already in them, but it’s very rare to have its maximum amount of sockets, especially with weapons and armor, so you’ll have to craft sockets into your items yourself. This is extremely expensive, it costs hundreds of thousands of credits, and sparks of glory that you get from dismantling archeotech, ancient, or morality relics. These sockets are really powerful, they allow you to slot in either archeotech, shards, or psalm codes.
Archeotech shards just have basic stats attached to them, three different stats determined by what their equipped in, armor usually giving damage reduction, weapons usually giving damage increases, and other items, usually giving you utility bonuses. There are 7 different forms of archeotech shards, now 8 with the inferno shard added by this latest season, and 5 tiers of each. These shards might seem weak to you at first sight, and yeah by themselves they aren’t great, but once you start getting the fifth tier and realize you can socket up to 6 of these into your items, these can give you an insane power boost.
For example, the corpus shard at tier 5 will give 600 HP per shard when put into armor, that can potentially give you 3600 HP if you use all 6 sockets, which is way more than you’d ever need. The Fulgurite shard gives 5% cooldown reduction per shard when socketed into a weapon, potentially giving a total of 30%, or 40% if dual-wielding. The resistor shard gives +4 to all resists when socketed into other items, if you went all out and socketed these into every open slot, you’d have a total of 32 all resists, which means you’ll take 32% less damage from heat, physical and warp attacks, stacking multiplicatively with global damage reduction.
So you can slot these shards into every single socket if you wanted to, you’ll be greatly rewarded for it, but it’s not that simple, since there are also psalm codes competing for these sockets.
Psalm codes are very similar to shards, socketable items split into 5 tiers, except each one has it’s own specific passive, much more niche and unique than anything you’d find on the archeotech shards. I’ll give an example of each tier, the voltaic psalm gives 50 energy shield on kill, hypergheist psalms give a burst of speed when you take a hit, uncreator psalms give a 50% bonus to vulnerability debuffs, shroud psalms give 5% damage reduction upon taking a hit, and the ordinatus psalm can reduce the enemies armour by 5% on hit for 2 seconds, stacking infinitely.
These psalm codes can be stacked in all of your sockets just like archeotech shards, potentially giving you some absurd stat boosts, but the real power of psalm codes come in psalm code doctrines.
Psalm code doctrines are super strong passive effects that result from combining specific types of psalm-codes in one piece of gear, from low tier doctrines requiring 3 codes to the highest tier requiring 6 codes.
Unfortunately, there’s no in-game resource that tells you what doctrines are available if you go to the in-game tutorial for them, they want you to experiment to find them yourself, but that’s insane because there are nearly 50 of them, a lot of them offering the largest power boosts available, depending on what build you’re playing.
You can visit the compendium and warp down to the psalm-code doctrines section to see every doctrine available, and the codes required for them. There are powerful doctrines with general stat boosts that anybody would enjoy, like +50% to each damage type, and enemy resistances to that damage being halved, 30 hp and energy shield gained on hit, 50% increased minion damage and many more.
There are also a lot of niche build-enabling doctrines available, like inflicting poisons or burns on enemies also inflicting it on nearby enemies, 50% of all damage is subtracted from suppression before HP, adding two projectile to every physical damage skill, and many more.
These doctrines are basically necessary for super end-game stuff, like fully completing void crusades, the stats that these give are just too good to ignore, so make sure you take a look at which ones are perfect for your build.