Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Beginner’s Guide and Tips

Some basic advice on how to start and how to play with bots (on lower difficulty up to champion).

Why to push your Bots

When you just bought the game, you might need a team to pull you through the first few maps.
Up to Veteran difficulty, allmost every team you join will be ok with a level 1 player joining. The community is mostly quite helpful and give you even more advise.

The bots are one reason for difficulties at the start, as your bots are only the level you pushed them to. They will have the skilltree you created and they will use the weapon you gave to them. That means: Even if you want to play only as Elf or Dwarf, you still should push the level, skilltree and weapons of your bots (unless you have no plans of using them ever…).

If you want to host games, you either need good bots to start out or will have to wait untill your lobby is full. Otherwise your bots might die very fast or be quite useless.

Some bots have abilities, wich benefit the team as a whole, like Kerrillians regeneration ability or Krubers aura.

Making some Progress

If you´re new at the game and play in a team, stick close to the team at all times. They know the way through the map, they might know where the tomes and grims are and they are more skilled at fighting – unless you joined a team of level 1 players.

Push your weapon to 100 or close to it. From scratch you should allways take your strongest weapon and should not waste scrap or powder to smith them, as you will put them in the gutter as soon as you find a stronger one.

Skills are extemely helpful in the game. Don´t forget to check your skilltree (every 5 levels you can choose a new skill). Some skills will compliment or better skills, that you allready have. You can change your skilltree whenever you want (between games), you can´t make lasting mistakes here. Just try out what works best for you and the team.
(I´m not going deeper into skills, as there are enogh guides for every character and career).

Use the best trinkets and charms you find, as they will give you additional benefits or skills.

If you get close to 100 power with your gear, move up to Veteran. Push your gear to around 200 before joining Champion. Soon after that you will get to the maximum 300 power gear. As soon as you got 300 gear, you should have found the weapon of your choice that fits you best and is most effective for your playstyle. Smith the hell out of the stuff to get the attributes you want, same for the charm and trinket.

You can move to higher difficulties earlier, but some teams might not be ok with a “Low Power Character” and kick you out. Some teams will be fine with that and will pull you through maps you would never get through without them. Don´t get frustrated, you will find a lot of nice and helpful people.

Smithing Gear

If you got enough powders and scrap, you can smith new weapons and better your gear. Don´t put too much rare stuff in gear that is not maxed out (power 300). If you have 300 gear, make it orange and give it the abilities you want untill you have all your gear in orange and your favourite weapon like you want it. By reaching 300 power, you will most likely have tested all the weapons.

Keep in mind, that you will allways get gear from chest, that fit the character you OPEN the chest with, not the character you might have gotten the chest with.

Unless you are a superskilled player and mastered dodge and defense, you might very well want to have a trinket with 33% curse resistance, so your max. hitpoints won´t suffer too much from Grims.

The best gear you can get will allways be +/- 5 of the best gear you allready own (with any character).

Take a look at one of the smithing guides for more detaile.

How to Play

Attack – Left Mouse – every weapon can hit in a 3-hit-combo, but you can stop earlier or throw in a block
Hard Attack – just hold Left Mouse a little longer before releasing the first hit
– The rest of the combo will follow automatically, unless you break the chain willingly
Block – Hold Right Mouse (allways do that while reviving teammates)
Dodge – Space AND either A, S or D, depending where you want to doge to
Push – hold block and press attack (some weapons wil throw in an attack instead if you hold attack) Works best with a shield
Fast Attack while blocking – press Attack without releasing block
Jump – Space
Duck/Crawl – (to get under some stuff) – Left Shift
Climb – Just run up to the ladder
Change Weapons / Potions… – You can either use the mousewheel or 1-5
Take – E (will also revive downed teammates)
Reload – R (Sienna will lose charge by that)
Interact – hold T while looking at it (will open a menue)
Tag – T
If you´re holding a torch or carry anything, you will drop it automatically by equipping one of your weapons

Allways turn your head and dance/move in combat. Rats will allways try to get in your back and while a single hit is not that bad, the damage will add up. Same for the single rat that you passed and did not see. It will sneak up to you and hit you in the back. Against hordes you might even want to have a wall in your back.

Keep in mind that falling damage is a real thing if you drop down and so is instant death if you jump off a cliff (runnig off a cliff will only hang you, needing help from a teammate to get back up).

On Champion or higher difficulties, ranged weapons and bombs will do friendly fire damge to your team. “Don´t shoot the dwarf Grimgi…”

Some not so secret secrets

– If anybody is too far away from the rest of the team or the team splits up completely, the game will randomly spawn specials to jump you. If an assassin is jumping you while wandering alone, your done.
– At some places you have to jump down to progress on the map and can´t get back up. Make sure everyone is close at those points, as you can´t go back to help.
– One player is enough to spawn the boss on the map. If you go too far ahead, you might find yourself in single combat with a ratoger…
– You can´t outrun bosses, as they spawn a wall of green flames somewhere ahead. To put the fire out, you got to kill the boss.
– Bots will allways stay close to you, but players won´t. Keep an eye out for your team.
– Tomes can be put down and retaken, but grims will be destoyed if you try to put them down.
– In some maps or the weekly event, you need a torch to see. Most of the time you will only have one. If you run away with the torch, your team will stumble around on the map blind and helpless.
– Pay attention to the text of the weekly event or your whole team might go down very quickly.
– The 4th careers have weapons that can´t be found, they can only be forged by you.
– Make the best use of your special ability (The Grail Knight is a perfect boss killer if you give him the right skilltree for example)
– In the Weaves and in the Chaos Wastes, you will not find gear that works in the normal game. Focus on the normal game before taking off into that, as nothing can be carried over from those additions to the normal game or vise versa.

If I remind more stuff, I will edit it in later.

Private Games / Only you and your Bots

Sometimes you might want to play with bots only. Either because you had some annoying players in your latest games or you just want to run through the map completing the daily challenge or making an achievement. Hell, maybe you might just not like other players in your game except your friends. So here is some advice for playing with bots only:

– Download an approved QOL mod to make your bots better and stay even closer to you
– Get all the characters/careers you want to use as bots to level 30
– Give your bots the best gear and a full skilltree (preferably one that benefits the whole group)
– Make your bots take the tomes and grims, so you can take and use healing and potions
To make a bot take something, do this: Look at the object, press and hold T, choose a bot to take it, look away or walk away.
– Sienna can be great as player, but is allmost useless as a bot as she won´t make good use of her wand/spells
– Pay attention to your bots and help them, especially if they carry a grim
– Have the ability to spread some healing to the bots if you heal yourself
– Move as fast as you can to avoid aditional hordes (at least on champion)
– Try to avoid Patroles (at least on champion)
– Don´t shoot at your bots on champion or bomb them (no brainer…)
– Don´t use fire- or explosive barrels (bots are unintelligent and won´t try to avoid that)

If you want to play on Legend or Cataclysm with bots only… it is possible, but it´s painful. I´m not including it in this guide, as it is a different beast.

This guide about Warhammer: Vermintide 2 was written by 0.o. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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