This is an updated 2023 guide that shows all 56 coin locations and methods to obtain them. The guide also includes information on obtaining coins in The Delicious Last Course DLC.
Inkwell Isle 1 – 15 Coins
Finish The Tutorial
At the end of the tutorial, you get +1 Coin
Talk To Mac For +3 Coins
1st Secret Coin: First, beat every boss in ‘Inkwell Isle 1’ then the Axe NPC will move out of his way for you to obtain +1 Coin
Run ‘n Gun Levels: Forest Follies & Treetop Trouble (+10 Coins)
Inkwell Isle 2 – 13 Coins
Complete ‘Buster’s Quest’
You need to perform four parries in a row without landing then talk to Buster to receive +1 Coin
Tip: You can use the tutorial triple parry jump then dash back to finish ‘Buster’s Quest’
Complete ‘Ginger’s Quest’
Simply use the secret route that is located behind Wally’s Bird House then talk again to Ginger to receive +1 Coin
2nd Secret Coin: Behind this cabin near ‘Funhouse Frazzle’ +1 Coin
Run ‘n Gun Levels: Funfair Fever & Funhouse Frazzle (+10 Coins)
Inkwell Isle 3 – 11 Coins
3rd Secret Coin: Hidden behind the ticket near the back of the shop +1 Coin
Run ‘n Gun Levels: Perilous Piers & Rugged Ridge (+10 Coins)
Inkwell Hell – 1 Coin
4th Secret Coin: Behind the left corner of the casino +1 Coin
Total of 40 Coins without DLC content
DLC – 16 Coins
Solve The Chalice Tutorial Puzzle (+1 Coin)
- Parry the bottom pink leaf
- Go to the platform above then have Ms. Chalice perform a ‘slide’ to reach/parry the second pink leaf
- If you did it right the last pink leaf will light up near the coin so simply parry it to get an extra reach to obtain the last coin
Talk To The Cat NPC For Free Coins (+3 Coins)
Secret Coin In The Back Of Bakery (+1 Coin)
Go to back of the DLC shop then go to the hidden left path until you reach the secret coin
Complete “The King’s Leap” (+11 Coins)
- Defeating ‘The Pawns’ rewards +2 coins
- Defeating ‘The Knight’ rewards +2 coins
- Defeating ‘The Bishop’ rewards +2 coins
- Defeating ‘The Rook’ rewards +2 coins
- Defeating ‘The Queen’ rewards +3 coins
Total of 56 coins w/ DLC content