Contraband Police

Where to Find All Buried Money Chest in Contraband Police

Complete guide on how to find the 8 money chests (there is $300 in each chest), locations in pictures and video.

All Chests Location Guide

The first chest is in the sawmill.

The second chest is between the sawmill and the cemetery.

The third chest is in the police base.

The fourth is at Motel Carat

The fifth is between the work camp, vlad’s tools and the inn under the drunken bear.

The sixth is at the Drunken Bear Inn.

The seventh is among the ancient ruins and vlad’s tools.

The eighth is between gavrilov’s hideout and the sawmill.

This guide about Contraband Police was written by menTaz. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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