A guide detailing where to find all 80 skill boosters in the game!
What are Skill Boosters?
Skill Boosters are an essential tool to help you on your journey through Luna that allow you to upgrade you active skills up to a maximum level of 3, increasing their effects. These highly coveted items are in tight supply and cannot be duplicated by use of Lucky Events, and you’ll need to find every single one to raise your skill mastery to 100% and get a shiny green star in your records tab.
I have formatted this guide in such a way to separate the skill boosters by area and leaving the shops for the very end, as such it will not be in the order you can first obtain them. This is to make it easier to sweep through the game to check every location once you’ve reached the endgame.
NOTE: As of v1.0 some players experience a bug where some shops do not sell their full supply of skill boosters, there at least 7 skill boosters affected by this issue. One skill booster appears to be missing by unknown means while 6 sold from shops share triggers with the crater buttons in Silica Rifts, so pressing the buttons removes those skill boosters from those shops. Some players have been able to avoid this error and have achieved 100% completion. I have been in contact with the developer who will look into fixing this issue in a future patch.
1 Barrier Facility: on a ledge next to the astrotech trader
2 Storage Unit: go in from the backside entrance after solving the laser door puzzle from the Barrier Facility
3 Storage Unit: Along the way to the previous one, grab your jet suit and pick up the antimatter cluster in the upper part of the room
4 Phantom Realm: Antimatter cluster in the first room of the Phantom Realm
5 Phantom Realm: Antimatter cluster in the third room
6 Phantom Realm: Antimatter cluster just before Chronos
Lunex Space Station
7 Dock: Antimatter cluster at the dock on the opposite end of the space station
8 Celestia Room: Antimatter cluster in the room housing the prototype Celestia from the Research Lab
9 Copernicus: End of a path south from the center plaza
10 Side Quest: Given to you as a reward for showing an NPC you achieved 10 S Ranks
11 Copernicus Highway: Antimatter cluster on top of the highway in the northern section of Copernicus
12 Phantom Realm: Take the warp from the bottom right section of Harmonia Reef and go to the bottom of the room
Kepler Ranch
13 Zara’s House: Go into the third house and find it to her left
Wasteland Zone
14 Sewers: In the top left of the room next to the locked door
15 16 17 Sewers Door: After finishing the 5th Lunex Board Mission you will get a key that opens this door, head inside to find 3 skill boosters waiting for you
18 Prison Storage Room: From the main prison entrance, head up to the next room and then up and to the left into the room marked with an S sign
19 Laser Room: Follow the path down and to the right
20 Training Room: From the main entrance to the military base, head left into the room marked with a sword
21 Balcony: Head to the second floor of the military base and take the left most path outside to find it sitting on the balcony
22 Wasteland Zone 2: Continue right past where you got on the escape pod after fighting Vivia
23 Phantom Realm: In the large main room, on the right side hiding under trees
24 Phantom Realm: In the large main room, on the left side hiding under trees
25 Phantom Realm: In the second split up section. found along the right side through Tetra’s path
26 Silica Colony: Take your jet suit towards the general goods store to find this sitting on a cliff
27 Silica Rifts: Grab a jet suit from Silica Colony and head back to the left most area of Silica Rifts to find it sitting on a cliff
28 29 Mine Secret Area: Progress through the 5th Lunex Board mission and you will get a mine key after fighting some space bandits, use this key to open the door behind the black market shopkeepers in the mines and fight a powerful murk. Once he’s defeated you can claim 2 more skill boosters in the room.
Mt. Piton
30 Summit: Make your way to the summit to find a power box and restore power to the jet suit pad. Make your way back down to equip the jet suit and fly to the summit, the booster will be the cliffside to the left.
Loot Areas
31 Crater: North West crater loot area, find this at the northern end of the area
32 Red: Western red loot area, head down and walk through the fake wall to pick it up
33 Crater: South East crater loot area, walk up and follow the right wall to enter a hidden path leading to his booster
34 Red: Centermost red loot area opened up by accepting the Excalibur quest, just to the East of Tycho, head down and go right through a series of fake walls to reach it
35 Green: South West green loot area opened up after collecting the two stones needed for the Excalibur side quest, follow the narrow paths until you reach it on the top most section
NOTE: Shops that sell exclusively Skill Boosters will only become available when you progress to the last act of the game
36 Lunex Space Station Neural Link Shop
37 Lunex Space Station Mechanic Shop
38 Copernicus Neural Link Shop
39 Military Base 2nd Floor Server Room Shop
40 Currently Missing
41 42 43 44 Skill Booster Shop by where the ship crashed in Regolithia
45 46 47 48 Skill Booster Shop in Regolithia underside with the warp to the Phantom Realm
49 50 51 52 Lunex Space Station East Dock as soon as you fly to there
53 54 55 56 Copernicus tucked between two buildings to the right of the cafe
57 58 59 60 Space Bandit Ship 1
61 62 63 64 Prison Storage Room
65 66 67 68 Wasteland Zone 2 behind and to the right of Vivia’s boss room
69 70 71 72 Silica Rifts fly your jet suit to the right of the cave you hid in after landing the escape pod
73 74 75 76 Harmonia Reef next to where you fought the Raine Squad
77 78 79 80 Mt. Piton next to the Phantom Realm warp