Where to Find the 25-Slot Storage Box Blueprint in Forever Skies

How to find the blueprint for the 25-slot storage box in the current (early access launch) version of the game. Some story spoilers.


To get to the blueprint for the box you will need to have completed up to the current ending of the early access launch version of the game.

Basically, if you have crafted the hypothermia booster at the under-dust elevator you can acquire this box

Finding the Box

As mentioned, you will need to be on the last mission, after crafting the hypothermia booster Out of the elevator turn left.

Then keep following left.

When you get out into the street, go right.

On the left if you haven’t already, extract the metal panel with the hand extractor, and proceed through, past the the hypothermia plant, the box to scan is on your left.

Congrats, enjoy your massively expanded storage solution! (When you need it the least..)

This guide about Forever Skies was written by Spoonie. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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