Each campaign mission has 1 hidden UFO which, when collected by an infantry unit, reveals a video log from Gwen. This guide shows the location of all available UFOs.
Keep in mind: the UFO will not be available on some maps until certain structures have been destroyed. These missions will be denoted as such in this guide. When in doubt; blow stuff up!
1 Steel Shore [HIDDEN]
In the center island on the Northern most side.
3 Prototype Panic [Visible]
In the far North East corner of the map on top of a ridge.
4 Holes To Elsewhere [Visible]
On the South Eastern shoreline.
5 Hidden Truth [Visible]
In the North West sitting on an open plain.
6 Off The Books [Visible]
Of the 4 central islands; the UFO is on the Northern most island.
7 Against The Odds [Visible]
The North Western most point of the map near the boundary line.
8 Urgent Care [HIDDEN]
North Central area of the map hidden behind a cliff side.
9 Rogue Transmissions [HIDDEN]
Of the 4 middle islands, the UFO is on the 2nd from the bottom on with no connecting bridges.
11 Behind The Curtain [HIDDEN]
Northern area of the map on the 3rd island from the left.
12 Kaiju Chaos [Visible]
Along the South East shoreline on the Southern most point of the Eastern island.